Young people research

Youth Survey 2022: Climate change concerns impact on young Australians' psychological distress and outlook for the future

Climate paper associated with climate change

An academic paper associated with the 2023 Climate sub-report (Climate concerns and young people's mental health: Findings from the 2022 Mission Australia Youth Survey) has been published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. The aim was to evaluate the extent of climate change concern in young people aged 15-19, its association with various demographic factors and its impact on psychological distress and future outlook.

Triple Care Farm Research Snapshot

Mission Australia Triple Care Farm Research Snapshot thumb

This snapshot presents key findings from a 10-year study on the effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) at Triple Care Farm. Across 10 years, the study found that an integrated DBT approach was effective and longitudinal data showed a significant reduction in young people’s severity of substance dependence 6 and 12 months after treatment. The study also found that the 2018-2020 cohort had significantly higher levels of mental symptoms compared to their peers 10 years ago.

Evolve 2020: Supporting youth with drug and alcohol addiction

Youth Report thumb

Mission Australia’s major philanthropic partner, Sir David Martin Foundation, has released a new report on best practice treatments for young people who use drugs and alcohol in a harmful way. The report, commissioned by Sir David Martin Foundation in conjunction with Mission Australia, makes a number of recommendations including the need to develop youth-specific, integrated models of care and to provide aftercare following treatment.

Gift of Gallang: Snapshot

This evaluation considers the effectiveness of a wellbeing program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Inala, Queensland. The evaluation focuses on the importance of partnerships, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities as well as schools and families.

Gift of Gallang: Evaluation

This evaluation considers the effectiveness of a wellbeing program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Inala, Queensland. The evaluation focuses on the importance of partnerships, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities as well as schools and families.

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