Children, youth and families

Blueprint for the domestic and family violence response in NSW

Screenshot of the Blueprint for domestic and family violence responsive document

Mission Australia is an experienced provider of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) services. We work across the whole DFV spectrum and provide early intervention and prevention, crisis accommodation and specialist services as well as sector advocacy. This is our submission to the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint For Reform.

Domestic Violence: Interventions for higher risk offenders

Screenshot of Domestic Violence: Interventions for higher risk offenders document

Mission Australia welcomes the NSW Government's commitment to preventing and responding to domestic and family violence. We support perpetrator programs to break the cycle of violence, alongside much needed services for women, children and other family members affected by domestic and family violence.

What's important to YOUth? Response to discussion paper

Screenshot of What's important to YOUth? document

We believe that policy development and service delivery should be informed by the voices of the people affected. Accordingly, the findings and recommendations in this submission draw on what we’ve heard from young people themselves, gained though: our annual Youth Survey; and consultations specifically for this submission.

Mission Australia's position statement on families and children

Cover image of Mission Australia's position statement on families and children

Mission Australia supports families to raise strong, healthy, and resilient children, enabling them to get the best possible start in life and equitable opportunities later in life. Our integrated service model aims to draw together services in a client centred approach, reflective of individual family circumstances and needs.

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning - February 2014

Screenshot of Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare document

Mission Australia's submission encourages that the Productivity Commission (PC) should recommend the childcare system Australia should aspire to, that would achieve positive outcomes for children and generate the productivity and participation gains made possible with affordable and accessible early learning.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'