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This submission to the Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee highlighted a range of challenges that people with disability experience when accessing and completing TAFE courses, followed by solutions to address those challenges including early intervention at school level and training to TAFE academic and non-academic staff to provide meaningful, targeted supports students with disability.
The Royal Commission called for submissions on employment of people with disability. Our submission highlighted the Young willing and able: Youth Survey Disability Report 2019 and focused on the need to address systemic and structural issues that impact on people with disability from gaining meaningful employment.
Our submission highlighted the findings from a range of Mission Australia Youth Survey reports, experience from service delivery and experiences of young people to demonstrate the need for more holistic, wrap around supports for young people to smoothly transition from education to employment. It also focused on the need for young people to have a say in decision making processes, service design and implementation.
Inquiry into sustainable employment for jobseekers experiencing disadvantage in Victoria Mission Australia’s submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure committee highlighted the structural challenges to employment in Victoria and the needs of a range of people experiencing disadvantage. There is a need for the State government to focus on providing flexible, holistic and wrap-around supports to people experiencing various challenges to entering and sustaining long-term employment.
Mission Australia’s submission to the Parliamentary (Cth) inquiry into the implementation of ParentsNext highlighted our concerns in relation to the Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF). Considering the significant negative impacts of the TCF on parents with young children, Mission Australia made a series of recommendations including removing the application of the TCF and limiting the application of compulsory participation to parents with a youngest child over 4 years.
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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'