Housing and homelessness

Responses to homelessness in NSW


This submission focused on the NSW government’s response to COVID-19 and the implementation of the Homelessness Strategy with a focus on prevention and early intervention measures, effective supports and responses and the need for an integrated, person centred support system.

A Housing Strategy for NSW 2020


The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment are developing a Housing Strategy that is expected to be in place for the next 20 years. Our recommendations included the urgent need for government investment to increase social and affordable housing and more investment targeted at different cohorts including the ageing population.

Inquiry into homelessness in Australia 2020


Mission Australia’s submission to the Federal House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs on homelessness in Australia highlighted a broad range of issues impacting different members of the community and made recommendations including significantly increasing the social and affordable housing stock across the country.

Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria 2020


Our submission to this inquiry by the Victorian Legal and Social Issues Committee emphasised on the growing need to significantly increase investment in social housing to meaningfully address housing and homelessness related issues in Victoria.

Inquiry into the Protocol for People Experiencing Homelessness in Public Places 2020


This submission focused on the need to integrate training and education about respectful, trauma informed and culturally sensitive training to a range of government officials. It also highlighted that in order to meaningfully address the issues of people experiencing homelessness in public places, there needs to be an increase in social and affordable housing in NSW.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'