Housing and homelessness

10 Year Strategy on Homelessness: Western Australia 2019-2029

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Mission Australia’s submission focused on the thematic directions and focused on the need to increase social and affordable housing, increasing housing options across homelessness continuum, trauma informed service delivery and catering for the diverse needs of different groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, older women, young people and families and the like.

Public Housing Renewal Program – Victoria

Public Housing Renewal

The proposed Victorian Public Housing Renewal Program presents a good opportunity to significantly increase the number of well-located public housing units which can be maximised to significantly increase the housing stock. The submission encouraged the government to set clear targets to reduce homelessness, use the housing investment opportunity to build stronger communities, reform planning laws and a range of other practical measures. 

Submission to Greater Sydney Commission

GSC submission

Mission Australia supported the Sydney Alliance submission to the Greater Sydney Commission’s Draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and revised District Plans. The submission identified a range of recommendations on greater commitment to Affordable Rental Housing, transparent accountability and fairer access to Affordable Rental Housing. 

Parity magazine: The Future of National Homelessness Policy

This Mission Australia sponsored edition of Parity magazine includes articles written by Mission Australia CEO Catherine Yeomans and Mission Australia Housing Executive Chris Bratchford. They explain why social and affordable housing is key to addressing homelessness and provide a roadmap to changing the trajectory of homelessness in Australia.

Northern Territory Community Housing Strategy

northerni territory community housing strategy thumbnail

Mission Australia and Mission Australia Housing welcome the opportunity to provide comment on the Northern Territory Government’s Community Housing Strategy. This submission highlights the role Community Housing Providers can play in delivering quality social housing tenancy management which is responsive to the needs of residents and their communities.

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