Housing and homelessness

National Housing Stress hotspots

Screenshot of National Housing Stress hotspots document

Visual snapshots to support Mission Australia’s new analysis (March , 2014) showing pockets of extreme housing stress popping up across the country.

Housing and homelessness hotspots in NSW

Screenshot of Housing and homelessness hotspots in NSW document

Visual snapshots to support Mission Australia’s submission to the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Social, Public and Affordable Housing – calling for urgent action to address the affordable housing crisis.

National Commission of Audit (Housing) - November 2013

Screenshot of National Commission of Audit (Housing)

Mission Australia Housing submission to the National Commission of Audit.

Resource Regional Allocation Model (RAM) for Specialist Homeless Services - August 2013

Screenshot of Resource Regional Allocation Model document

In this paper, Mission Australia comment on the overall intent of the resource allocation, as well as the impacts of adopting the methodology described and to put forward suggestions for ways to improve the methodology to better reflect the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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