Youth survey

ReachOut Australia Mission Australia Lifting the Weight

Lifting the weight report

Young people living in regional and remote Australia are being let down by a lack of support services to tackle their mental health needs, a new report released by ReachOut and Mission Australia revealed today.

Youth Survey 2017: Major cities and regional areas

Regional Report

This sub-report uses data from our Youth Survey 2017 to compare the responses of young people living in major cities to the responses of young people living in regional areas. 

Mission Australia Youth Survey infographic 2017

Infographic Youth Survey 2017

In 2017 Mission Australia conducted its 16th annual survey of young people aged 15-19 years. The highlights of the survey findings can be found in this infographic.

Mission Australia Youth Survey Report 2017

Youth Survey 2017

Each year we encourage Australians aged 15-19 to ‘speak up’ about the issues that concern them through Australia’s largest annual youth survey. In 2017 we had more than 24,000 responses and for the first time in the survey’s history mental health is the number one issue of national concern for young people in Australia.

Mission Australia Concepts of Community report

concepts of community report thumn

Mission Australia’s Concepts of Community report released October 2017 uses data from the Mission Australia Youth Survey 2016 to provide an understanding of the different issues and challenges facing young people from different socio-economic backgrounds across Australia.

Concepts of Community infographic

Concepts of community thumbnail infographic

This two-page infographic is taken from the Mission Australia Concepts of Community report. It provides key findings and recommendations.

Youth mental health and homelessness report infographic

youth mental health homelessness report infographic

This two-page infographic is taken from the Mission Australia Youth Mental Health and Homelessness Report. It provides a summary of the key findings and recommendations of the report.

Mission Australia Youth Mental Health and Homelessness Report

youth mental health homelessness report

Mission Australia’s Youth Mental Health and Homelessness Report released August 2017 gives findings from the Mission Australia Youth Survey, showing that poor family functioning and serious mental illness are factors that impact on the risks of homelessness for young people aged 15-19 years living in Australia.

Five Year Mental Health Youth Report Infographic

Youth Mental Health Report infographic

Mission Australia is proud to collaborate with the Black Dog Institute on this year’s Youth Mental Health Report. This is a two page document, summarising some of the key findings from this research.

Five Year Mental Health Youth Report

Youth mental health report thumbnail

Mission Australia is proud to collaborate with the Black Dog Institute on this year’s Youth Mental Health Report. The report presents five years of mental health data collected from young people across Australia with important insights into their levels of psychological distress, their concerns and the people and places they go to for help.

Mission Australia Youth Survey infographic 2016

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey infographic 2016

In 2016 Mission Australia conducted its 15th annual survey of young people aged 15-19 years. The higlights of the survey findings are represented within this infographics document.

Mission Australia Youth Survey Report 2016

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey Report 2016

Each year we encourage Australians aged 15-19 to ‘speak up’ about the issues that really concern them through Australia’s largest online youth survey. In 2016 we had nearly 22,000 respondents and the survey revealed that more than half of young people believe there are barriers which will prevent them reaching their goals when they leave school.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report Infographic

Screenshot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report Infographic document

This report compares Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young people's responses on their values, concerns, health, wellbeing, housing and safety. Policy recommendations focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people being at the centre of policies and programs.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report Detailed Results

Screenshot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report Results document

This Appendix to the Mission Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report provides detailed findings from the analysis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young people's responses on their values, concerns, health, wellbeing, housing and safety.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report

Screenshot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report document

This report compares Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young people's responses on their values, concerns, health, wellbeing, housing and safety. Policy recommendations focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people being at the centre of policies and programs.

Achieving Independence – Mission Australia Youth Client Report

Screenshot of Achieving Independence – Mission Australia Youth Client Report document

This report explores our Youth Survey results from the exclusive perspective of the young people Mission Australia helps. It includes a cross section of young people who are accessing our employment, education, homelessness and drug and alcohol services.

Mission Australia Youth Survey 2015 Infographic

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey 2015 Infographic

In 2015 Mission Australia conducted its 14th annual survey of young people aged 15-19 years. The higlights of the survey findings are represented within this infographics document.

Mission Australia Youth Survey 2015

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey 2015 document

Each year we encourage Australians aged 15-19 to ‘speak up’ about the issues that really concern them through Australia’s largest online youth survey. In 2015 we had nearly 19,000 respondents and the survey revealed that more than half of young people believe there are barriers which will prevent them reaching their goals when they leave school.

Youth Survey Mental Health Report 2015

Screenshot of Youth Survey Mental Health Report 2015

This report presents findings from 2012-14 on the rates of psychological distress in young Australians, aged 15-17, the concerns that are related to high levels of psychological distress and the help seeking behaviour of young people.

Youth Survey 2014 SES report

Screenshot of Youth Survey 2014 SES report

Location, Vocation, Aspiration considers this year’s Youth Survey findings in relation to young people’s socio-economic status (SES) measured by whether they were living in low, moderate or high SES areas.

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