Youth survey

Youth Concerns about Drugs and Alcohol

Screenshot of Youth Concerns about Drugs and Alcohol

Youth Concerns about Drugs and Alcohol compared those who were highly concerned by alcohol and drugs against those expressing a low level of concern about these issues. These two groups of young people were compared across a range of questions from Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2014 including personal and national concerns.

Voices of the Vulnerable

Screenshot of Voices of the Vulnerable

Voices of the Vulnerable: Insights and concerns from young clients accessing our services

Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2014

Screenshot of Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2014

A total of 13,600 young people aged 15-19 years responded to Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2014. Mission Australia’s Youth Survey is the nation’s largest online annual ‘temperature check’ of teenagers aged between 15 and 19.

The impact of family joblessness on the school to work transition - 2014

Screenshot of The impact of family joblessness on the school to work transition - 2014

This report presents the responses of young people from jobless families to Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2013 and compares these responses to those of young people in families with parents working full-time or part-time.

Indigenous Aspirations Report

Screenshot of Indigenous Aspirations Report document

This report examines the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, in relation to their perceptions of opportunities for education, training and
work in their local area.

Youth mental health report June 2014

Screenshot of Youth mental health report June 2014

This Mission Australia report presents findings on the rates of psychological distress in young Australians, aged 15-19, the concerns that are related to high levels of psychological distress and the help seeking behaviour of young people.

Mission Australia Youth Survey 2013

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey 2013 document

For over a decade Mission Australia has committed to discovering what concerns young people on a personal and national level, what they value and where they turn for help. The 2013 Youth Survey report presents the collective voice of the youth of Australia, providing a glimpse into the
future, a refl ection of our past and insights into what we need to consider today.

Mission Australia's National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report - 2012

Screenshot of Mission Australia's National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report

Based on the responses of more than 640 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who took part in our 2012 Youth Survey, this report outlines the concerns, hopes and values of Indigenous youth.

Mission Australia Youth Survey - 2012

Screenshot of Mission Australia Youth Survey - 2012 document

As well as collecting valuable socio-demographic data, the Youth Survey 2012 sought to capture the views and perspectives of young people on a broad range of issues.

The cares and concerns of vulnerable young people - 2011

Screenshot of The cares and concerns of vulnerable young people - 2011

This report focuses on the responses of young respondents to our 2010 Youth Survey who identified as being vulnerable or at-risk on account of their housing situation.

Insights into the concerns of young Australians: Making sense of the 2011 Youth Survey - 2012

Screenshot of Insights into the concerns of young Australians: Making sense of the 2011 Youth Survey document

In 2011 Mission Australia conducted our 10th National Survey of Young Australians. The survey aimed to identify the most significant issues and facing Australian youth.

National Survey of Young Australians - 2011

Screenshot of National Survey of Young Australians - 2011

The results of our much-anticipated 2011 Youth Survey provides a snapshot of the values, concerns and interests of young Australians.

National Survey of Young Australians - 2010

Screenshot of National Survey of Young Australians - 2010

The results of Mission Australia's 2010 Youth Survey, which asked young people to share their views on their values, their concerns and who they turn to for advice and support.

Hearing directly from vulnerable young Australians - 2010

Screenshot of Hearing directly from vulnerable young Australians document

This publication focuses on the 2010 Youth Survey responses of three types of vulnerable young people - those who were homeless, in out-of-home care or in the juvenile justice system.

Insights into the concerns of young Australians: Making sense of the numbers - 2010

Screenshot of Insights into the concerns of young Australians: Making sense of the numbers document

This report offers insights gained from the results of Mission Australia's Youth Survey 2010. This, our eighth survey of young Australians, received 48,000 responses.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'