34 results for services with filters 1 category
AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Artarmon
Address: Suite 405, 44 Hampden Road, Artarmon 2064 NSW
The Continuing Coordinated Care service in Artarmon (NSW) provides case coordination and wraparound services for clients...
AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Far West NSW
Address: 146 Chloride Street, Broken Hill 2880 NSW
The AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Service in Far West NSW provides care coordination and wraparound services for...
AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Western NSW
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Service in Western NSW provides care coordination and wraparound services for ...
AOD Hub Common Ground Sydney
Address: 31 Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown 2050 NSW
Camperdown Support Services – Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Hub is a partnership between Mission Australia, Sydney Loc...
Darwin Sobering Up Shelter
Address: 30 Tivendale Road, Berrimah 0828 NT
The Darwin Sobering Up Shelter provides overnight accommodation to homeless and displaced people (18 and over) who are u...
Djindigal (Mareeba) AOD Service - Aftercare
Address: 3338 Kennedy Highway, Mareeba 4880 QLD
Voluntary throughcare case management support for young people exiting the residential component of Djindigal (Mareeba) ...
Djindigal (Mareeba) AOD Service - Residential Rehabilitation
Address: 3338 Kennedy Highway, Mareeba 4880 QLD
Djindigal is a Therapeutic, 10 bed Alcohol and other Drug Rehabilitation facility in Mareeba (Cairns) in Far North Queen...
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service - Pilbara
Address: Newman House, 15 Iron Ore Parade, Newman 6753 WA
The Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, located in South Hedland and Newman, is a community-based alcohol and other drug...
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service - Pilbara
Address: Unit 4, 3 Brand Street, South Hedland 6722 WA
The Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, located in South Hedland and Newman, is a community-based alcohol and other drug...
Drug and Alcohol Youth Outreach Service
Address: 80 Richmond Road, Keswick 5035 SA
The Drug and Alcohol Youth Outreach Service provides innovative interventions and support for young people aged 10-25 ye...
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) - Cannabis Intervention Sessions
Address: 129 Hill Street, East Perth 6004 WA
This is a one-off education and information session. It is provided by appointment only and young people are booked thro...
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) - Young Person Opportunity Program
Address: 129 Hill Street, East Perth 6004 WA
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) provides three Court Diversion Programs which includes the Young Person Opportunit...
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) - Youth Withdrawal and Respite Service
Address: 129 Hill Street, East Perth 6004 WA
The Youth Withdrawal and Respite Service provides a safe and supported short-stay residential environment to help young ...
Drug and Alcohol Youth Services (DAYS) - Aftercare
Address: 129 Hill Street, East Perth 6004 WA
Drug and Alcohol Youth Services - Aftercare provides case coordination and support to young people as they transition fr...
Far West Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs Support Service - YADSS
Address: 146 Chloride Street, Broken Hill 2880 NSW
Far West YADSS provides Youth focused Alcohol and other drug structured group and individual health and social intervent...
Mac River Aftercare
Address: 14L Furneys Road, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Voluntary throughcare case management support for young people exiting the residential component of Mac River Centre (of...
Mac River Centre Residential Rehabilitation Program
Address: 14L Furneys Road, Dubbo 2830 NSW
MAC River is a residential rehabilitation service for young people aged 13-18 who are experiencing chronic drug and alco...
Macarthur Adolescent AOD Support Service
Address: Suite 7.03 and 7.04, Level 7, 171 Queen Street, Campbelltown 2560 NSW
The Macarthur Adolescent AOD Support Service is an ASES-accredited holistic alcohol and drug support service that sits w...
Methamphetamine Initiative
Address: 129 Hill Street, East Perth 6004 WA
The Methamphetamine Initiative provides specialist rehabilitation and prevention support services for adolescents and yo...
Mission Australia Country - Recovery Connect
Address: 5 Vaughan Terrace, Berri 5343 SA
Mission Australia Country Recovery Connect is a drug and alcohol youth support service for young people aged 10-25 years...