A woman smiling and looking outside of a moving train

National Psychosocial Support Measure - Alice Springs

Mental Health Recovery

Kilgariff, 0873

Mission Australia's Psychosocial Services in the Northern Territory provide support to people with mental illness as they transition to the NDIS, as well as to those who are not eligible for NDIS or for whom NDIS is not the most appropriate support. Working within a recovery framework, the service supports people to achieve their recovery goals by providing non-clinical services so that people are able to maintain their housing, manage their finances and daily living activities, engage in work or training, and maintain their physical and social wellbeing.

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Who we assist

We provide psychosocial support services to assist people with severe mental illness that affects their functional capacity.

Eligibility criteria

People with a severe and persistent mental illness
People not currently receiving services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Referral process

Referrals can be made by:
Family member
General Practitioner
Other Service Provider

National Psychosocial Support Measure - Alice Springs location

Contact us

Lot 7892
1 Percy Court Kilgariff 0873 NT
Phone number

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'