Ending your tenancy
I need to end my tenancy with Mission Australia Housing
If you want to end your tenancy you are required to give either:
- 3 weeks notice (21 days) to vacate your property if you are on a continuing lease
- 14 days notice at the end of a fixed term lease
Notices will need to be provided in writing to Mission Australia Housing. In cases where you are unable to give 3 weeks’ notice due to being offered a permanent public housing property or due to exceptional circumstances, you may be able to negotiate this with Mission Australia Housing.
Once Mission Australia Housing has received your notice to vacate, a Housing Manager will contact you to discuss the vacating procedure.
If you leave your property without giving notice Mission Australia Housing may consider your property to be abandoned. In this case, staff will seek to end your tenancy. If Mission Australia has to spend money as a result of you abandoning your property and/or goods within your property, you will be required to pay a debt to Mission Australia Housing as per the Debt Management Policy
If you abandon your property with a rent or non-rent debt owing to Mission Australia Housing you will still be required to pay your debt.