
These terms and conditions are governed by the law in force in the State of New South Wales.

Mission Australia may change or modify these terms and conditions at any time and you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as changed or modified. Notice of any changes or modifications will be provided by publishing the revised terms and conditions on this website only and separate notification will not be given to you individually.


Mission Australia uses images, videos and other marketing collateral in its digital and print media. Any intellectual property rights in these materials belongs to Mission Australia and must not be used or reproduced in any way without Mission Australia’s express written consent.

Mission Australia does not use stories or images of people we support in advertising or promotional material without their consent. In some instances, names, images, gender, location or other identifying elements have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

Details on Mission Australia and its entities can be found here.


Use of this website is governed by these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy found on this website.

Information on this website is of a general nature. Mission Australia has made reasonable endeavours to ensure that information on this website is accurate, reliable and complete. Due to business developments the information on this website may change from time to time. To ensure that you receive the most up to date information you should not rely on all statements or representations made on this website and should contact Mission Australia as required. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, is made by Mission Australia in relation to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability or completeness of the information and materials on this website and Mission Australia expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in such information and materials.

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

Other websites

To the extent permitted by law, Mission Australia will not be liable in any way for any loss or damage which may be suffered by you in relying on the statements and representations made on this website, or through use or access to this website, or Mission Australia’s failure to provide this website. This site may be linked to other sites that are not maintained by Mission Australia. Mission Australia is not responsible for the content of those sites and does not accept responsibility for the use or reliance of material of any website which is referred to or accessed through our websites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by Mission Australia of the sites.

Website intellectual property

All intellectual property and copyright in this website or any other marketing collateral (in print or digital form) is owned by Mission Australia, unless otherwise stated.

You are permitted only to access and download the contents on the website pages temporarily and for the sole purpose of viewing the information for personal use. If you have downloaded any material from our website under a Creative Commons licence, then the material must only be used in accordance with the licence.

Except for the use outlined above, or as otherwise permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws and regulations, no information on this website may be permanently copied, reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed, stored, published, displayed or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, by any process and you may not create derivative works from any part of this website or commercialise any information obtained from any part of this website without the specific written consent of Mission Australia.


Mission Australia uses third parties to track data on this website to improve its performance and to enhance your browsing experience.

If you disable, remove or reject tracking, then you may not be able to access the full functionality of this website. You can manage your tracking preferences using the information for your web browser below:

Donations and Refunds

Mission Australia is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission.

All pricing and transactions on this website are stated in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are secured using 128 Bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology.

By completing a donation you certify that:

  1. you accept the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy,
  2. you understand you can cease communication, or access and change your personal information by calling 1800 88 88 68 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We only use your information to process your donations and communicate with you about our charitable objectives. De-identified data is used for charity benchmarking purposes so that Mission Australia is able to continually improve its fundraising practices.

Donations by individuals can be made in the form of one-off or recurring donations and/or a gift in a Will. Mission Australia will determine where the funds are directed within its services. If a donation is designated to a specific project, Mission Australia will use reasonable endeavours to direct that donation to the designated project but is not obligated to comply with such requests. Donations of gifts in kind will also be directed as determined by Mission Australia.

Mission Australia can provide official receipts for approved donations of $2.00 or more. Donors providing single gifts receive a receipt for each donation and recurring donations receive an annual receipt, unless otherwise requested. Mission Australia accepts anonymous donations but is unable to issue a tax-deductible receipt to the donor in such circumstances.

Online donations

This website is enabled for online donations using a secure donation server. However, despite the security on the website, you should be aware that there are risks in transferring information across the Internet.

We record on our fundraising database the donor's name, address, email, telephone, and amount donated. Our fundraising database is protected by secure user IDs and passwords, to help protect it from misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. For more details on the collection and use of donor data, please see our Privacy Policy.

Crypto donations

Mission Australia is increasing the ways in which people can support us by now accepting crypto donations. Mission Australia accepts crypto donations via The Giving Block. For more information about The Giving Block, please visit their website.

By completing a cryptocurrency donation, you certify that:

  1. You accept the The Giving Block and Mission Australia’s Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy,
  2. You understand you can opt out of communication, or access and change your personal information by calling 1800 88 88 68 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also unsubscribe from The Giving Block at any time.

Crypto donations are displayed in U S Dollars (USD) at the time of donation and are secured using 128 Bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology. Mission Australia is not liable for any loss of data directly from The Giving Block. Mission Australia will ensure your data is secure once the donation have been received.

Crypto donations can be made in the form of one-off donations, or as a gift in a Will. Mission Australia will determine where the funds are directed within its services. If a donation is designated to a specific project, Mission Australia will use reasonable endeavours to direct that donation to the designated project but is not obligated to comply with such requests. Donations of gifts in kind will also be directed as determined by Mission Australia.

Official receipts will be automatically sent via The Giving Block for approved donations to the value of $50 USD or more. An annual tax statement will also be sent to the email address provided by the donor in the equivalent Australian Dollar (AUD conversion) amount.

Mission Australia does accept anonymous crypto donations. To receive a Mission Australia receipt, an email address must be provided. We record on our fundraising database the donor's name, address, email, telephone, and the crypto donation amount in Australian Dollars (AUD).


To seek a non-crypto donation refund you must contact Mission Australia within 14 days of receipt by phone on 1800 88 88 68 (option 3) between 9am and 5pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Monday to Friday or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, you can send written queries to: Mission Australia, Reply Paid 9860, IN YOUR CAPITAL CITY.

Any non-crypto donation, purchase or other transactions made through the website by a user inserting that user’s credit card details is final and not disputable. Where there has been an unauthorised use of a user’s credit card, and the unauthorised nature of that use is proved on the balance of probabilities, then the donation may be considered for refund.

Mission Australia thoroughly considers all requests for a refund and will ensure that genuine errors are corrected, however we are under no obligation to give refunds and the decisions on refunds will be at Mission Australia’s discretion. If you would like to request a refund please provide details of how you made the donation, the amount, the date and the circumstances justifying your request.

If a donation is refunded, the associated tax receipt is no longer valid and should be securely destroyed. Please note it is your responsibility to submit correct receipts to the ATO (Australia Taxation Office).

All cryptocurrency donations given via The Giving Block are nonrefundable. Mission Australia is unable to give refunds if you change your mind, send the wrong cryptocurrency or made the wrong decision.

We recommend you thoroughly check all the details are correct before completing the crypto donation form. Please check the cryptocurrency listed and only donate what is accepted, as it may result in a loss of donation. Learn About Cryptocurrency - The Giving Block

Recurring Donations

The Donation Debit Services Agreement governs any agreement by you to provide recurring donations to Mission Australia.

To cancel recurring donations, notification is required at least 10 clear business days prior to the next scheduled payment date to effect any cancellation.

Any recurring donations that are self managed by the supporter, such as via a direct bank debit or PayPal can be cancelled or altered at any time.

Donations we cannot accept

In line with the Fundraising Institute Australia code we will not accept a donation where:

  • there is a reasonable belief that the donor is in vulnerable circumstances or lacks capacity to make a decision to donate; or
  • accepting the donation would compromise the interests and objectives of our cause
  • the cost of accepting the donation will be greater than the value of the donation; or
  • there is reason to believe that accepting the donation may give rise to litigation

Mission Australia cannot accept funds raised in a way that is contrary to our values or may be seen to compromise or contradict the work Mission Australia does. Mission Australia will review donations or fundraising agreements on a case-by-case basis, through an ethical framework to address incompatibility with the objectives of our cause. This includes but not limited to the following areas:

  • Illegal activities
  • Violence, weapons, and armaments
  • Discrimination against vulnerable people
  • Irresponsible use or sale of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Association with the gambling or wagering* industry.
  • Association with the tobacco and/or vaping industry.
  • Payday lending
  • High-risk activities that may cause significant harm to self or others
  • Risks to children and young people
  • Association with nudity, inappropriate sexualisation of children or young people or pornography.

*Mission Australia does accept donations from some government owned or run programs [that are related to gambling] where revenue is required by legislation to be returned to benefit the community.

Community Fundraising

Fundraising for Mission Australia - Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Agreement provide the basis for a fundraiser/event to be organised by the Community Fundraiser on behalf of Mission Australia. By signing and returning the Application to Fundraise, the Community Fundraiser indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions and there after these terms and conditions will form the basis of any dealings between Mission Australia and the Community Fundraiser in relation to the fundraiser/event.

“Community Fundraiser” means the individual or organisation holding the fundraiser/event for the benefit of Mission Australia.

Community Fundraising activities must be consistent with industry guidelines and Mission Australia values as outlined in the section ‘Donations we cannot accept’.

For more information regarding our Community Fundraising Guidelines please see our FAQs.


For a fundraiser to be approved, the Community Fundraiser will need to complete and sign the Application to Fundraise form. The Community Fundraiser will be notified in writing if their proposal is successful.

Mission Australia reserves its right to withdraw its approval for the activity/event at any time if it appears that the Fundraiser is failing to adhere to any of the above terms and conditions. The Community Fundraiser accepts that Mission Australia will not be liable for any loss or costs incurred by the Community Fundraiser as a result of withdrawing its approval.

Authority to fundraise

Regulation and best practice in Australia dictate that any person or organisation fundraising must have an ‘authority to fundraise’. The Community Fundraiser is not authorised to use Mission Australia as its beneficiary charity until it has received an authorisation letter from Mission Australia.

The ‘authority to fundraise’ will be sent by Mission Australia after:

  • we have received a written and signed application from the Community Fundraiser;
  • we are satisfied that the fundraiser/event will produce a reasonable return after expenses have been deducted;
  • we are satisfied that the fundraising activity aligns to the aims and values of Mission Australia
  • we are satisfied the fundraising activity is not high risk.

The fundraiser/event shall be conducted in the Community Fundraiser’s name and is the sole responsibility of the Community Fundraiser. The Community Fundraiser is responsible for all aspects of the fundraiser/event including event organisation, publicity and prizes and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Community Fundraiser is expected to understand circumstances as to when a receipt can be issued and the charitable rules and regulations around donations. The Community Fundraiser may fundraise during the approved dates only, and only for the approved event or activity indicated in the Authority to Fundraise letter. If one wishes to extend or change any aspect of their fundraising event or activity, additional approval from Mission Australia needs to be sought.

Mission Australia is not able to take a coordination role in Community Fundraising activities and its officers cannot assist in soliciting prizes, organising publicity, or providing goods or services to assist the Community Fundraiser in the running of the fundraiser/event. If the Fundraiser would like a representative of Mission Australia to attend the activity/event, they should notify Mission Australia as early as possible. Mission Australia cannot guarantee attendance, but we are always able to provide a comment to be read out or a video to be played on our behalf.

Legal implications

The event/fundraiser must meet the requirements of relevant State and Territory laws and regulations. The information given to Mission Australia must be available to regulatory authorities on request. Mission Australia does not provide legal advice regarding compliance with these laws and regulations.

Mission Australia’s reputation

Because of the nature of our organisation and the high ethical standards under which we operate, there are some events with which we cannot be associated. We cannot endorse some activities, including:

  • extreme sports such as parachuting, paragliding or bungy jumping,
  • motor vehicle and motor bike racing and activities that involve marine racing unless the Fundraiser provides evidence of public liability insurance to cover themselves and their participants;
  • gambling;
  • games of chance that do not comply with State legislation;
  • activities of a sexual nature; or
  • activities that promote harm to self, others or the environment.


Mission Australia is unable to provide public liability insurance cover to Community Fundraisers. Mission Australia accepts no liability for personal injury, property damage or death arising in any manner from a fundraiser’s activity. Community Fundraisers must make sure that they take out an insurance policy which covers any risk associated with their fundraising activity or event.

Using the Mission Australia name and logo

Please remember that the event will not be Mission Australia’s event, but an event to raise funds for donation to Mission Australia.

All material with which the Mission Australia name and logo is to be associated must first be approved by Mission Australia.

If the Community Fundraiser wishes to utilise the Mission Australia name and/or logo on any materials or products, the Community Fundraiser must obtain prior permission from Mission Australia.

References to Mission Australia

If the Community Fundraiser wishes to refer to or promote Mission Australia, it must refer to Mission Australia as “Mission Australia”.

Printed Materials

Any material, pamphlets, brochures or products must be submitted to Mission Australia for approval before a request to use the logo will be granted. All printed material including media releases must be forwarded to Mission Australia for approval prior to being printed or circulated.

Use of the logo

Permission to use the Mission Australia logo must be requested and will attract conditions to be negotiated between Mission Australia and the Community Fundraiser, especially if the use of the logo is for marketing activities of the organisation. A minimum amount of donation may have to be guaranteed for activities of this nature. Guidelines on how to use the logo are supplied in the Community Fundraiser’s Toolkit.

Participation of children in a fundraising activity

Some States have special regulations that apply when children participate in an appeal. Different rules apply for children of different pages. If the Community Fundraiser plans to involve children in their fundraising activity/ event, they will be required to comply with further child-safe guidelines from Mission Australia before proceeding with their activity/event, including ensuring the physical safety and emotional wellbeing of children by adequately supervising them and ensuring that there are always two adults present (unless the child’s parent/guardian is present) and online content is supervised.

Finance, records and receipting

The financial aspects of fundraising, raffles, record keeping and management of the fundraiser/event are entirely the responsibility of the Community Fundraiser and the Community Fundraiser must comply with the relevant State or Territory laws and regulations.

The following is a summary of financial reporting typical of that required from Community Fundraisers which is needed to protect the public interest:

  • set-up and maintain proper financial records and accounts which can be audited if necessary;
  • provide Mission Australia at the outset with an accurate estimate of expenses and the likely proceeds of the fundraiser/event;
  • where necessary/appropriate, set up a separate bank account that mentions Mission Australia’s name. All funds are to be banked into this separate bank account. This account must be closed after the event;
  • money raised and details of actual income and expenditure must be returned to Mission Australia within four (4) weeks of the fundraising activity. Once Mission Australia confirms receipt of the funds. A certificate of acknowledgement of funds raised (usually for substantial funds received, or for a large event) can be issued upon request; and
  • Mission Australia cannot pay expenses incurred, but the Fundraiser can deduct necessary expenses from the proceeds of the event, provided they are properly documented. (Total expenses must be less than 40% of total proceeds).


Mission Australia can provide official receipts for approved events. Tax-deductible receipts can only be issued to people donating money of $2 or more. The Community Fundraiser must keep a register of all attendees/ supporters eligible for a tax-deductible receipt. Schools, organisations or fundraisers who have collated individuals’ donations cannot receive a tax receipt for the collective donation amount. It is the responsibility of the Community Fundraiser to understand:

  • circumstances when a receipt can be issued, and to whom, NB: The following are not tax-deductible: Ticket purchases (e.g. raffle), entry to an event, donations of goods or services, auction purchases, or purchase of a device. Also, no personal tax deductions can be claimed for monies received and/or donated on behalf of-, or by others;
  • the legal implications of issuing receipts and the necessity of returning official receipts books (used and unused) to Mission Australia; and
  • reconciliation and collection of funds, which needs to be counted/verified and witnessed by a minimum of two people and accurately recorded by the Fundraiser as outlined by charitable fundraising laws and regulations in the relevant state.

Feedback and Complaints

Feedback or complaints can be provided here.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'