Mission Australia has partnered with home-grown footwear manufacturer Ozify Australia to supply free shoes to people experiencing homelessness.

The ‘Soul to Sole’ program will see Ozify donate $5 from the sale of every pair of its posture-improving and wellbeing-boosting thongs to support our Missionbeat mobile outreach services.

Partnering with Asics Australia, Ozify will also donate a pair of shoes for every sale they make.

Over the next few months more than 200 people who are experiencing homelessness and supported by Mission Australia will receive brand new shoes thanks to the Soul to Sole program.

Mission Australia community services program manager Shane Sturgiss said the initiative was an exciting and innovative one that would bring comfort and improved wellbeing to many Australians in need.

“Many people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage are forced to be on their feet and move around for hours every day, so good-fitting, supportive and comfortable shoes are vital,” Shane said.

“We’re thrilled to begin this partnership with Ozify and look forward to distributing new shoes to vulnerable Australian children, young people and adults.”

Ozify Australia’s founders Michael Kinchington and Mark Ninio admit to being inspired by American company TOMS when dreaming up the Soul to Sole program. TOMS has given more than 75 million new pairs of shoes to children in need through their similar ‘One for One’ program.

“This is just the start of an exciting adventure. We will impact homelessness in Australia in a small way to begin, but a meaningful way,” Michael said.

To support people experiencing homelessness through the Soul to Sole program, head to Ozify Australia’s website and get shopping.

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