All children and young people deserve a happy, healthy start to life. Mission Australia helps to provide the security, care and support that is so vital to the development of children and young people and strengthening communities. At the heart of our work is early intervention and prevention, which means we address issues before they become major setbacks.

We support mums and dads to be the very best parents they can be. We run playgroups, literacy and financial education programs, and other activities that help families – including grandparents and other carers – feel well supported and a part of a community.

As children get older and journey from childhood to adulthood, life is full of change, uncertainty and challenges. Along the way, young people may experience stress at school, self-image doubts, relationship issues and the pressure to choose a career path – things that can contribute to mental illness and strained relationships at school and home.

We work with schools, families and communities to look for signs that young people are at risk of disengaging from school, developing drug and alcohol problems, losing contact with their family, becoming homeless or getting involved in crime. Mission Australia’s youth and community workers then provide tailored support including art and music therapy, alternative education, counselling, mental health awareness and drug and alcohol programs.

family at dining table

Our services also work with families to help them deal with those challenges that can tear people apart, such as problem gambling, domestic violence, drug and alcohol issues and long-term unemployment.

We strengthen communities by listening to people and communities and equipping them to transform themselves. Using a place-based approach, we seek to enable people, families and communities to be more engaged, connected and resilient.

Understanding young people

We believe one of the best ways to find out what support young people need is to ask them. Mission Australia is also guided by the expert knowledge of our youth workers and other community services staff, many with decades of experience supporting young people.

More about understanding young people

Keeping children and young people safe

At Mission Australia we are committed to continuing to ensure the highest standards of safety and wellbeing for the children and young people who engage with our services. We are currently working hard to make sure we meet requirements arising from state and territory government reforms to child protection.

More about keeping children and young people safe

Domestic & family violence

For many of us it may be inconceivable that domestic and family violence (DFV) is anywhere near us. But the reality is it is likely to be in every suburb in Australia.

Domestic & family violence

Housing support for families

Mission Australia knows homelessness can have a devastating impact on young lives. This is why we do our utmost to help families keep a roof over their heads and create nurturing homes for the next generation of confident, capable and independent Australians.

More about housing support for families

For more information, download our research into families and children and young people.

Need support with your family and/or children?

Independence is something we all strive for, but life rarely turns out as planned. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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Are you a young person seeking support?

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If you or someone you know is in crisis, encourage them to call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

If you think your life or someone else's life is in danger, the best thing to do is to call 000.


Strengthening communities services

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'