
Yes, I want to help people
like Matt change their stories.

Select amount:

  • $37
  • $163
  • $428
  • My best gift
could help pay for someone's stay in a Mission Australia residential drug and alcohol recovery centre.
Choose your donation method. To process a direct debit payment please call our Supporter Relations team on 1800 88 88 68 (select option 3).

Yes, I want to help people like Matt change their stories.

Select amount:

  • $25
  • $45
  • $100
  • My best gift
can help provide crisis accommodation for a person in need.
Choose your donation method. To process a direct debit payment please call our Supporter Relations team on 1800 88 88 68 (select option 3).

Your $45 donation will be debited today, and on the 9th of each month going forward

Content warning: This story contains references to suicide.

Matt's story

Matt is a ‘doer’ who would do anything for anyone – especially his kids. But a back injury left him struggling with chronic pain, depression and anxiety.

He became addicted to prescription painkillers. Things got so bad that Matt tried to take his own life.

When Matt reached out to Mission Australia, he’d lost his job, his marriage and contact with his beloved kids. But somehow, he found the strength to start over.

Right now, thousands of people like Matt need support to overcome substance dependency and start new lives. Will you please donate to help them?

Donate today

Mental health and substance dependency

Addiction is a terrible, complicated disease that can happen to anyone.

It often goes hand in hand with mental health issues. Many people turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with emotional pain. Others trigger mental illness through their use of substances.

Substance dependency can destroy people’s physical health, their relationships, and their ability to work or contribute. It can rob them of self-worth and even their will to keep living.

Addiction is hurting individuals, families, and communities in Australia right now – but there is not enough help for those who need it.

If you think that everyone deserves the chance to heal from substance dependency and pain, please donate today.

Donate today

How you can help

You can help fund counselling for someone who wants to move past their substance dependency.

Compassionate case workers help people create their own path to recovery – and stick to it through challenges and setbacks.

You could help pay for nights in a Mission Australia residential drug and alcohol recovery centre.

At the start, some people need round-the clock support to shift destructive patterns and learn healthier coping tools.

You could help someone rebuild a healthier life after substance dependency.

Practical services to help people find work, stable housing, start studying and reconnect with their families.

You can help people in crisis change their lives for the better. Please give generously.

Donate now

If you are struggling and need to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out for help.

  • Lifeline – 13 11 14 or chat online
  • MensLine Australia – 1300 78 99 78

Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

Where will Australia’s mental health crisis end?

At least, 1 in 5 Australians will face a mental health issue every year.¹
88,300 people accessing specialist homelessness services are living with a mental health issue.²
Almost 9% of people seeking help from specialist homelessness services struggle with addiction.²

1ABS (2022) National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020–2022
2AIHW (2024) Specialist homelessness services annual report 2023-24

Please help people heal from mental anguish and substance dependency. Donate today.

Our promise to you

Registered charity of Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

Mission Australia has been helping people move towards independence, and our commitment to this vital work has never been stronger.

Thanks to your support, together we helped 160,520 people in 2024 by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.

pie graph indicating that 89% of our income went into delivering services in 2024

In 2024, 89% of our income went straight back into delivering services that assisted vulnerable Australians.

We appreciate every donation we receive and ensure that each dollar goes where it is needed most.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'