On Friday 2 June, Mission Australia celebrated the official opening of the first youth detox facility of its kind in NSW.

At the opening ceremony in the Southern Highlands, Mission Australia CEO Catherine Yeomans and Chairman Ken Dean addressed guests and Ann Sudmalis MP, Federal member for Gilmore, represented the Minister of Health to announce the official opening of the facility.

David Martin Place is based in Knights Hill on 110 acres at Triple Care Farm, the new state-of-the-art detox facility will work with up to 10 young people aged 16 to 24 years at a time, as they undertake a substance withdrawal and detoxification program that integrates a medical and therapeutic model for up to 28 days.

Gabriella Holmes, Program Manager at Triple Care Farm said the new facility would offer quality and comprehensive services for young people overcoming substance abuse.

“David Martin Place is such an important facility, and we are pleased it is now available for young people to take that first important step out of the cycle of substance abuse. We have a dynamic and professional team ready to go, to ensure we are delivering effective and engaging support to assist young clients to withdraw from illicit substances and alcohol,” said Mrs Holmes.

Mrs Holmes, who is based in the Southern Highlands and has worked with young people at Triple Care Farm for 16 years, explained that those aged 16 to 24 years who have a history of illicit substances such as methamphetamines and alcohol use can require specialised detox support before being ready for the 12 week holistic rehabilitation offered at Triple Care Farm.

“For existing illicit substance and alcohol users, their fate rests on the availability of appropriate detoxification and rehabilitation facilities. It is difficult to find that small window of opportunity where the young person struggling with addiction is stable and self-motivated to commence detoxification.

“If a place is not found in time, this vital window is missed and the situation worsens. Coming off addictions without quality medical support and rehabilitation can be extremely difficult and dangerous. It needs a safe place for change; like David Martin Place and Triple Care Farm,” said Mrs Holmes.

In their submission to the Government’s Ice Taskforce in 2015, Mission Australia said the absence of appropriate rehabilitation and detoxification facilities, particularly for young people, presented a considerable barrier to effective interventions and treatment.

“The opening of David Martin Place at Triple Care Farm is a great first step in providing youth-appropriate detoxification and enabling effective rehabilitation for young people. The facility will, hopefully, provide a model that can be replicated to meet the growing need across the country,” said Mrs Holmes.

The facility provides:

  • Accommodation suites for 10 young people, including en-suite bathrooms
  • A substance withdrawal and detoxification program that integrates a medical and therapeutic model for up to 28 days
  • Group and individual counselling
  • Outreach and education programs
  • Comprehensive individual bio-psychological assessment and treatment plans
  • Education and support for families and carers, allowing family and support networks to come together with the young person to engage in change
  • Engagement in long term treatment and care for substance use
  • Flexible service models tailored to the individual client needs
  • An aftercare/community support program

The $3 million Mission Australia detox facility is the first of its kind in NSW to cater for young people aged 16 to 24. The Commonwealth Government contributed $2 million in funding under the Substance Misuse Service Delivery Grants Fund, as well as funds raised by the Sir David Martin Foundation.

In Perth, Mission Australia also delivers a Youth Withdrawal and Respite Service for up to 10 young people aged between 12 and 21 who want to detoxify and address alcohol and/or other drug misuse at the Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS).

To enquire about attending David Martin Place or Triple Care Farm please phone 02 4885 1265.

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