Mission Australia Housing NT takes on management of 251 social homes in Darwin
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On Wednesday 31 January 2024, Northern Territory Minister for Urban Housing, Ngaree Ah Kit announced a large-scale transfer of 501 public housing properties from the Northern Territory Government to two Tier One registered Community Housing Providers in the Greater Darwin Region.
Mission Australia Housing NT is pleased to take on the management of 251 properties in Darwin’s Northern Suburbs from 8 April, alongside community housing provider Venture Housing which is taking over the management of 250 properties in Palmerston from 1 July. “This is the largest transfer of its kind in the NT” said the Minister, who spoke of the NT Government’s goal to transfer up to 40% of its urban public housing stock to Community Housing Providers as a key component of its Community Housing Growth Strategy 2022-32.
The Northern Territory Government, who were the previous managers of the properties, said tenants will see better local community services and specialised support through the change. From 8 April 2024, Mission Australia Housing NT will assume responsibility for conducting inspections, collecting rent, and repairs and maintenance as well as initiatives to strengthen the local community.
Mission Australia CEO, Sharon Callister said: “Mission Australia welcomes the opportunity to take on management of these homes, which will deepen our existing connections here in the Territory and enable us to increase our level of support to people who need it.
“Our intention is not just to deliver positive housing outcomes, it’s to create homes for people and to develop a thriving self-supportive community providing opportunities for people to connect with services, activities and each other.”
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