Don’t waste a crisis

The effects of COVID-19 have been far-reaching, but the public health crisis has also created opportunities to make a difference in the lives of Australia’s most vulnerable people, writes State Leader of NSW Metro, Dr Evelyne Tadros.

COVID-19 has impacted us all in some way but for people experiencing homelessness, domestic and family violence, the effects have been paramount.

During the crisis, we faced many challenges such as addressing how residential services can share bathrooms or kitchen areas to mitigate an outbreak.

One of our main priorities was helping rough sleepers access temporary and safe accommodation.

Many rough sleepers have chronic health conditions that make them more vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 so it was crucial to help them find safe shelter.

We worked with several taskforces to provide temporary accommodation for rough sleepers in hotels.

What I’m witnessing is an incredible opportunity for us to work collaboratively to provide and maintain long-term housing options for the 116,000 people who are homeless in Australia and the many more who are at risk of homelessness – both now, and post-COVID-19 in Australia.

In this newsletter, you’ll read inspiring stories of hope and resilience during these difficult times.
I hope this also encourages you to continue supporting the most vulnerable in our community.

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