Elections and budget

Federal pre-budget submission 2022-23

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Our submission focuses on Federal Government measures to prevent homelessness, invest in social and affordable housing, support a safe and sustainable aged care sector, deliver adequate income supports, address locational disadvantage, provide alcohol and other drug (AOD) services, and support young people to meaningfully engage in public matters that interest and affect them.

Pre-Budget Submission Tasmania 2023

Response to NDIS Interventions for Children on the Autism Spectrum paper.

Our pre-budget submission focuses on two of the key areas identified for community consultation:
• Opportunities to improve services that are directed towards vulnerable people; and
• Improvements to Government services and processes.

Election Priorities 2022

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Ahead of the 2022 Federal election, we need leaders who will take urgent action to tend to immediate needs as well as safeguard our communities against future crises. We have outlined our key policy recommendations across seven priority areas including: housing and homelessness; aged care; income support; strengthening communities; support for young Australians, Self Determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; and climate change.

Federal Pre-budget Submission 2023-24

Mission Australia NSW Election priorities 2023 thumb

Our submission makes recommendations on income support payments, homelessness and social and affordable housing, place-based approaches to strengthening communities, and investing in the community sector.

Pre-budget submission NSW 2022-23

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The pre-budget submission focuses on recommendations across three themes: strong and sustained prevention and early intervention investment for children, youth and families most in need; housing and homelessness and; COVID-19 recovery.

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