Employment, Skills and Training

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Transition to Work Submission to Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services

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Our response includes an overview of challenging environment young people face in their transition to a meaningful work life; supporting young people into suitable, sustainable employment; the nature of mutual obligations, activation, compliance and enforcement; and the architecture of employment services.

Submission to the Employment White Paper

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The submission focusses on the unique circumstances young people and people with disability who face adversity in gaining sustainable and meaningful employment, and the issues confronting the not-for-profit sector and its workforce in maintaining viable services.

ParentsNext Submission to Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services

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We believe that pre-employment programs can be valuable supports for parents and other groups who have spent time out of the workforce. ParentsNext could be enhanced by several recommendations covering the program's compulsory participation requirements and eligibility; women's economic equality and workforce participation; addressing structural and cultural barriers; and funding and service delivery arrangements.

New Disability Employment Services Model consultation paper

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In this submission we highlight the need to make the future Disability Employment Services program more accessible and integrated better with the NDIS, with flexible entry pathways that cater to changing employment capacities and aspirations of individuals. The future model needs to be more person-centred and place greater emphasis on finding good-quality employment, rather than compliance and enforcement.

ParentsNext: examination of Social Security instrument 2021

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Mission Australia’s submission highlights our ongoing concerns about the Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) and its impact on participants in the ParentsNext program, recommending that the program be made voluntary and noting that we will continue to monitor the effects of the TCF through our services.

Inquiry into access to TAFE for learners with disability in Victoria 2020

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This submission to the Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee highlighted a range of challenges that people with disability experience when accessing and completing TAFE courses, followed by solutions to address those challenges including early intervention at school level and training to TAFE academic and non-academic staff to provide meaningful, targeted supports students with disability.

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability 2020

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The Royal Commission called for submissions on employment of people with disability. Our submission highlighted the Young willing and able: Youth Survey Disability Report 2019 and focused on the need to address systemic and structural issues that impact on people with disability from gaining meaningful employment.

National Youth Commission Inquiry into Youth Transitions and Employment 2019

cover of submission

Our submission highlighted the findings from a range of Mission Australia Youth Survey reports, experience from service delivery and experiences of young people to demonstrate the need for more holistic, wrap around supports for young people to smoothly transition from education to employment. It also focused on the need for young people to have a say in decision making processes, service design and implementation.

Inquiry into sustainable employment for jobseekers experiencing disadvantage in Victoria

Inquiry into sustainable employment for jobseekers experiencing disadvantage in Victoria

Inquiry into sustainable employment for jobseekers experiencing disadvantage in Victoria Mission Australia’s submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure committee highlighted the structural challenges to employment in Victoria and the needs of a range of people experiencing disadvantage. There is a need for the State government to focus on providing flexible, holistic and wrap-around supports to people experiencing various challenges to entering and sustaining long-term employment.

Inquiry into the Implementation of ParentsNext 2019

Inquiry into the Implementation of ParentsNext 2019

Mission Australia’s submission to the Parliamentary (Cth) inquiry into the implementation of ParentsNext highlighted our concerns in relation to the Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF). Considering the significant negative impacts of the TCF on parents with young children, Mission Australia made a series of recommendations including removing the application of the TCF and limiting the application of compulsory participation to parents with a youngest child over 4 years.

The Next Generation of Employment Services

The next generation of employment services cover

Employment is an integral aspect of a person’s economic independence as well as health and wellbeing. With access to the appropriate supports at the right time, many people who are currently experiencing unemployment are able to join or re-join the workforce. 

Inquiry into Career Advice Activities in Victorian Schools

Inquiry into career advice in Victorian schools

Mission Australia’s response to the inquiry focused on young people who are currently disengaged or at risk of disengaging from education. The submission highlighted the need for meaningful early intervention, and providing young people with opportunities to receive practical experience and information before they make decisions about their future career path. 

Disability Employment Services submission

Cover of Disability Employment Services submission

Mission Australia has extensive experience as a provider of Disability Employment Services (DES) and drawn on this experience to respond to the discussion paper on the Future of Disability Employment Services. We are committed to the rights of people with disability and are supportive of moves towards greater participant choice.

Government Review of Indigenous Training and Employment - December 2013

Screenshot of Government Review of Indigenous Training and Employment document

Mission Australia recognises the unique status of Indigenous peoples as the original owners and custodians of Australia’s lands and waters and we are committed to addressing the cultural, social and economic needs of Indigenous communities. Currently 6.63% of Mission Australia’s employees are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

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