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Submission to Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Future Gaming Markets

Screenshot of Submission to Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Future Gaming Markets document

Mission Australia recently made a submission to the Tasmanian Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Future Gaming Markets. We argued that gambling can be extremely harmful for individuals affected by gambling, and for their families, and advocated that Tasmania remove all pokies from hotels and clubs and continue counselling and other supports for people harmed by gambling.

Mission Australia submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into freedom of speech

Our Youth Survey suggests that young people experience and witness racial discrimination at alarming levels and this has negative impacts on their wellbeing. In this context we do not believe that the Racial Discrimination Act imposes unreasonable restrictions upon freedom of speech, and do not think that ss.18C and 18D should be reformed.

Submission on Ending Carbon Tax Compensation

Mission Australia submission on energy supplement

This submission to the Senate Committee registers Mission Australia’s opposition to cutting the energy supplement to new income support recipients, as it risks driving people further into poverty at a time when energy costs are rising by up to 20 per cent.

Closing the Gap Refresh

In Mission Australia's submission to the Closing the Gap Refresh consultation process, we are supporting the position and recommendations made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies and consortiums. 

The Gaming Machines Amendment (Gambling Harm Minimisation) Bill 2020

Our submission focused on the need to better integrate community services that deliver ongoing wrap around, holistic supports to people with gambling related issues and their families. Mission Australia endorsed NCOSS’ submission.

Indigenous Voice Co-Design Interim Report 2021

Indigenous Voice Co-Design Interim Report 2021 thumbnail

Mission Australia’s submission to the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Interim Report reiterated need For the Australian Government to honour its election commitment to a referendum once a model for the Voice has been settled.

Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum thumnail

Mission Australia’s vision for Reconciliation is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of this country will be restored to a place of equity, dignity and respect. We have committed to fostering a strengths-based approach to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to lead the work that affects them.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'