Man smiling and talking to a Mission Australia worker

Mission Australia Country - Recovery for Families

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Port Augusta, 5700

Mission Australia Country Recovery for Families is an early intervention offering support to young people aged 10-25 years and their families. This innovative model combines support for people with AOD concerns, with support to enhance family functioning, and respite for the participant and their parent as required.

For Berri location - Phone 08 8583 3203 / Email: [email protected]
For Port Augusta & Whyalla locations - Phone: 08 8645 6900 / Email: [email protected]

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Who we assist

Young people aged 10-25 years old and their families with drug and alcohol issues.

Eligibility criteria

Young people aged 10-25 years and/or parents/caregivers with substance misuse concerns

Referral process

Self-referral or agency referral. Contact by phone or email.

Mission Australia Country - Recovery for Families location

Contact us

40 Flinders Terrace Port Augusta 5700 SA
Phone number

Opening hours

9am to 5pm - Monday to Friday

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'