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Disability Employment Service (DES - ESS) - Palmerston

Employment, Education & Training

Palmerston, 0830

Mission Australia's Disability Employment Services – Employment Support Services (ESS) provides people with permanent disability with regular and ongoing support to find and maintain work. We also support their employers with training, and assistance to access a range of other supports. These supports can include wage subsidies and financial assistance to help with costs of modifying the workplace or purchasing adaptive technologies, or interpreting services.

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Eligibility criteria

Employment Support Service provides assistance to job seekers with permanent disability to find a job and who need regular, ongoing support in the workplace to keep a job.

Referral process

We receive direct referrals as well as referrals through the Department of Human Services, WFA providers and other referral services.

Disability Employment Service (DES - ESS) - Palmerston location

Contact us

Highway House Shop 3
14 Palmerston Cct Palmerston 0830 NT
Phone number

Opening hours

8:30am - 5pm Mon-Fri

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'