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Flexible Learning Options - Northern Adelaide - Elizabeth

Employment, Education & Training

Elizabeth, 5112

Flexible Learning Options (FLO) provides customised programs and support to young people aged 13-23 years who are enrolled in school but disengaged (or at risk of disengagement) across the Northern Metropolitan Adelaide region. FLO addresses issues including juvenile justice involvement, learning challenges, bullying, social issues, and family challenges to help young people remain engaged, or re-engage, in education. The case management and learning options of Learning Unlimited work together to help ensure that learning options are tailored to the young person and available no matter their current situation.

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Who we assist

Young people aged 13-23 years olds who are enrolled in school but are disengaged or at risk of disengagement.

Eligibility criteria

Aged 13-23 residing in Northern metro Adelaide who meet the criteria of Dfe FLO enrolment. These students demonstrate significant barriers to education and training.

Referral process

Students are referred to FLO MANA by local Northern Adelaide Schools through the FLO enrolment process. Students are FLO enrolled based on assessment against the Dfe FLO engagement matrix and demonstrate barriers to accessing mainstream education.

Flexible Learning Options - Northern Adelaide - Elizabeth location

Contact us

Buildings G21 and G22, Elizabeth TAFE
73 Elizabeth Way Elizabeth 5112 SA
Phone number

Opening hours

8.30-4.30 Monday to Friday

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