A woman smiling and looking outside of a moving train

Housing Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) Far West

Mental Health Recovery

Dareton, 2717

The Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) supports people aged 16 and over who have a diagnosed mental illness or psychiatric disability. HASI has two aims: to assist people with diagnosed mental illness to participate in their community, and to reduce hospitalisation rates and improve quality of life. HASI works with people who have a mental health diagnosis that contributes to difficulty in finding or sustaining tenancies in public or community housing.

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Who we assist

We assist people who are 16 years and over in NSW Housing or community housing who have a diagnosed mental illness or psychiatric disability require low, medium, and/high level support .

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for HASI services, you must have a mental health diagnosis, that contributes to being unable/cannot maintain and/or obtain tenancy.

Referral process

We accept self-referrals and referrals from Mental Health Teams, Housing, family or community agencies. Referrals are assessed by the HASI Team and presented in a HASI selection meeting (comprising of all relent stakeholders). If you are unsuccessful, you will be notified and referred to another relevant service.

Contact us

Shop 7
26 Tapio Street Dareton 2717 NSW
Phone number

Opening hours

9-5 Monday to Friday

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'