Volunteers doing work in the garden

Community Chaplaincy Program TAS

Community Development

Rosny Park, 7018

Supporting community members, clients and tenants' wellbeing and community strength through:
- meeting pastoral and spiritual care needs in person and through partnering with churches and faith groups
- connecting church and faith groups, MA programs/clients/tenants and wider community
Available in Clarence Plains, Mornington - Warrane and Chigwell.

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Who we assist

MA clients, tenants, community members and churches and faith groups in the footprint communities of MA Centres in Clarence Plains, Mornington and Warrane.

Eligibility criteria

Clients / tenants / community members who want to engage with chaplaincy support.

Referral process

From MAH and CS where pastoral /spiritual or community support is indicated - by email to on-site Community Chaplain. From community members where MA support is likely to be helpful - by contacting local Community Chaplain.

Community Chaplaincy Program TAS location

Contact us

27 Bligh Street Rosny Park 7018 TAS
Phone number

Opening hours

Occie hours

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'