Homeless man looking sad and desperate

Roma House (MAICS)


Spring Hill, 4000

Non-exclusionary supportive immediate accommodation program for up to 20 adult, male participants.

Dormitory environment across two levels with shared amenities and communal areas. Security Guard provided by Department of Housing.

Service includes mobile outreach support.

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Who we assist

Adult males with complex needs experiencing chronic homelessness or who are at imminent risk of homelessness.

Eligibility criteria

Individuals identified by the Queensland Department of Housing through their action plan to ensure safe, secure, and affordable housing. Primarily those sleeping rough or inadequate dwellings throughout Brisbane.

Referral process

Direct referrals via the Queensland Department of Housing.

Roma House (MAICS) location

Contact us

535 Wickham Terrace (Cnr Dark Street) Spring Hill 4000 QLD
Phone number
Alt Phone number

Opening hours


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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'