A man sending his two boys off to school

Mission Australia Housing - Camperdown


Sydney, 2000

Mission Australia is a national Tier 1 Community Housing Provider (CHP) delivering better homes in vibrant communities. We provide high quality social and affordable rental housing to low and moderate-income households. Our place-based approach and tailored support coordination services help tenants to identify goals, develop plans, and connect to education, training, employment and other relevant support services to help them achieve greater levels of independence. The housing is located close to the city and support services are provided by the Camperdown Support Services.

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Eligibility criteria

Affordable Housing: The affordable housing program is available for people on moderate incomes. It is designed for key workers whose income is over the eligibility limits for public housing. Rent is set at approximately 75% of the market rate. General Housing: Available to single people who are on low incomes and who are priority approved for social housing in NSW. Chronically Homeless: 52 units within this project are available to long term, homeless clients in the inner city of Sydney. MA Housing seeks referrals from a range of organisations including the Way2Home Project, specialist homelessness services and other government and non-government organisations.

Mission Australia Housing - Camperdown location

Contact us

Levels 7
580 George Street Sydney 2000 NSW
Phone number

Opening hours

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'