A man sending his two boys off to school

Willow House


Dandenong, 3175

The program is designed to support Mission Australia and partners Better Futures participants to access safe and affordable housing while being supported to learn independent living skills. It specifically aims to assist young people who, through their participation in the program, will be able to sustain a tenancy in Victoria (VIC) private rental market.

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Who we assist

To support young people within the Southern Metropolitan Better Futures program and whom are eligible for a Homestretch package to access safe and stable accommodation.

Eligibility criteria

Are aged between 18 and 21 years of age.
Actively engaging with the Sothern Metropolitan Better Futures Program
Receiving Independent Homestretch allowance.
Willingness to live in a share accommodation.
Willingness to complete a living skills course that will be offered by Mission Australia.
Can live safely in private rental housing including the ability to live independently and have the capacity to sustain a tenancy.
Have supports in place to sustain a tenancy if needed, and/or be willing to engage with support services while in the program if necessary.
Committed to engage in education/training/community-based activities and/or employment.

Willow House location

Contact us

Level 3 33 Princes Hwy Dandenong 3175 VIC
Phone number

Opening hours


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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'