17 results for services with filters all categories, 2821
Mac River Aftercare
30 kilometres away
Address: 14L Furneys Road, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Voluntary throughcare case management support for young people exiting the residential component of Mac River Centre (of...
Mac River Centre Residential Rehabilitation Program
30 kilometres away
Address: 14L Furneys Road, Dubbo 2830 NSW
MAC River is a residential rehabilitation service for young people aged 13-18 who are experiencing chronic drug and alco...
Tenant Participation and Community Engagement (TPCE) - Western NSW, Murrumbidgee & Far West
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Tenant Participation & Community Engagement (TPCE) program aims to provide FACS Housing tenants with greater access ...
Breakfast Clubs - Regional NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Establish/strengthen provision of breakfast meals to children and young people via breakfast club models in 15 locations...
Mannin' Up - Partner Support
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Risk assessment, safety planning and ongoing support for women and children whose partner / ex-partner is engaged in the...
Bail and Accommodation Support Service - Western NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
An Accommodation placement, transport and case support service for young persons aged between12 and 17 years old, who ar...
Safe Me
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Safe Me is an early intervention for young males aged 13-18 who use violence in the household towards female partners or...
Homelessness & Housing Support - Gilgandra
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Homelessness & Housing Support service - Gilgandra helps young individuals and couples aged 16 and over who are home...
Family Preservation Service - Orana
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Orana Family Preservation Service supports families with children and young people to identify their strengths and n...
Mission Australia NDIS Early Childhood Approach - Western & Far West NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Early Childhood Approach promotes wellbeing, development, and community engagement through a family-centred approach...
Family Mental Health Support Service (FMHSS) Dubbo
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Family Mental Health Support Service (FMHSS) funded by the Dept. of Social Services (DSS) is an early intervention a...
AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Western NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The AOD Continuing Coordinated Care (CCC) Service in Western NSW provides care coordination and wraparound services for ...
Mannin' Up, Men's Behaviour Change Program
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Mannin' Up Program Men's Behaviour Change program is designed to help change the behaviours of men who have committe...
Dubbo Family Support Service
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Dubbo Family Support Service works with vulnerable families with children aged 0-12 years, providing a broad range o...
HYAP - Upper Western NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP) aims to reconnect children and young people with their families or wider su...
Casework Support Program - Central & Far West NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
The Casework Support Program works with young people in contact with the Juvenile Justice system who are assessed as hav...
Enhanced Adult Community Living Support - Western NSW
38 kilometres away
Address: 110-114 Macquarie Street, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Enhanced Adult Community Living Support (EACLS) provides psychosocial supports, in partnership with clinical supports de...