Homeless man looking sad and desperate

Douglas House


Cairns, 4870

Douglas House is a 22-bed supported accommodation facility supporting people experiencing long-term homelessness through accommodation and intensive case management.
Douglas House is a stepping stone for people to develop the skills needed to move from chronic homelessness into sustainable independent housing, and capable of participating in economic and social aspects of community life. Support is recovery oriented, trauma informed, strengths based and culturally responsive. Staff take a holistic approach to meeting the diverse needs of residents.

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Who we assist

Chronically long term homeless people with complex needs, over 18 years. Mostly single adults with a small number of couples (no accompanying children), with predominantly (approximately 90%) Indigenous (equally male and female).

Eligibility criteria

- Single adults or couples (no accompanying children)
- Sleeping rough / chronically homeless (some second generation rough sleeping),
- May be rotating between rough sleeping, living in camps accessing Diversionary Centre, accessing crisis accommodation services, presentations at hospital emergency departments and regular contact with police and judicial system, including periods of incarceration
- Predominantly (approximately 90%) Indigenous (equally male and female)
- Have long term and chronic alcohol and other substance use and/or addiction (some second generation addictions)
- Have coexisting serious mental health and physical health needs

Referral process

Tenanting of the facility will be a collaborative process between the Tenancy and Property Manager, the Support Service Provider and the local Housing Service Centre. Collaboration between the Tenancy and Property Manager and the Support Service Provider will ensure the best mix and ‘match for success’.

Douglas House location

Contact us

198 Grafton Street Cairns 4870 QLD
Phone number

Opening hours

24 hours per day, 7 days per week, all year

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'