A woman smiling and looking outside of a moving train

Housing Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) Eastern Sydney

Mental Health Recovery

HASI is a collaboration between NSW Health and CMOs to provide psychosocial support to individuals with a severe mental health condition. HASI has been proven to reduce hospital admissions and homelessness, and is effective in assisting individuals on their recovery journey. Its focus on the goals and needs of each participant helps us to integrate medical care with care that addresses whole-of-life needs, driving sustainable outcomes. Recovery Workers promote open communication between all stakeholders to support the individual's recovery journey.

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Who we assist

16+ no upper age limit (service based on support for mental health and not frailty or physical disability)
HASI has flexible eligibility criteria for young people and Aboriginal people and it is sufficient for them to have a functional impairment identified by a mental health professional
Diagnosed mental illness
Live within the Prince of Wales & St Vincent's Hospital catchment area
Willingness to participate and be supported
Provide informed consent

Eligibility criteria

16+ no upper age limit (service based on support for mental health and not frailty or physical disability)
Diagnosed mental illness
HASI has flexible eligibility criteria for young people and it is sufficient for them to have a functional impairment identified by a
mental health professional
Live within the Prince of Wales Hospital or St Vincent's Hospital Catchment area
Willingness to participate and be supported
Provide informed consent

Referral process

Referral from Community Mental Health Teams, Mental Health In Patient Units, Correctional Services, Self Referral
Call (02) 9508 3600 or email: [email protected]

Contact us

Phone number

Opening hours

7 days a week

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'