Thanks for helping children like Jonah.

When poverty overshadows a child's future, your support gives them the confidence to thrive. Thanks to your ongoing support, our services help vulnerable children like Jonah* stay at school and reach their full potential.

Read Jonah’s story

You’re helping Australians on their journey towards independence.

in 2020 21 you helped 152684 people through 474 services

Circles of Learning

A message from Jenny, Circles of Care Program Manager

“We believe every child should be able to reach their full potential. Children who feel valued, loved and supported are more likely to stay on track during their younger years.

You should have seen the look on his face when Jonah received a brand-new pair of shoes and socks...He gave me a big hug and proudly ran to the oval to join his friends.

It may be just a pair of shoes, but these shoes meant the world to Jonah. He can now participate in school activities and build his confidence among his friends. Thank you.”

Learn about Circles of Care

You’re making an impact. Last year we helped:

in 2020 21 you helped 22864 people through 66 children family services

JennyChaves 500px

Meet one of our generous supporters, John

When John was homeless, our Mission Australia Centre helped him find a safe home. Inspired by his own experience, John is committed to leaving a gift to Mission Australia in his Will.

I love Mission Australia because they helped me... My life has done a 180 turn-around.John, proud supporter.

Read John's story


Thank you for helping advocate for young people in need

Our annual Youth Survey uncovered the effects of COVID-19 on young people:

62.3% of young people said their education was affected by COVID-19.
50.3% of young people said COVID-19 affected their mental health

My anxiety got to a point where I had to be constantly reassured by both my parents and my psychologist that nothing was going to happen.Female, 16, VIC

View Youth Survey

A group of youth looking happy together.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts:

In August 2021, we asked you to share your thoughts and motivations in our Supporter Survey. Thank you to over 2,500 supporters who responded.

Top five social issues that you care about:

53% Domestic and family violence    48% Homelessness   41% Shortage of affordable housing   28% Alcohol and drug dependency    27% Mental health

Reasons why you give to Mission Australia:

63% I am giving because I have a responsibility to help people less fortunate than myself   55% I am giving my support to people who are homeless   52% I am sharing my good fortune with others in difficult circumstances

Mum hugging daughter

If you can, please consider increasing your impact on the lives of Australians in need by increasing your ongoing gifts. Call us today 1800 88 88 68.

^Mission Australia Annual Report 2021
*Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

Our promise to you

Registered charity of Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

Mission Australia has been helping people move towards independence, and our commitment to this vital work has never been stronger.

Thanks to your support, together we helped 149,096 people in 2023 by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.

pie graph indicating that 91% of our income went into delivering services in 2023

In 2023, 91% of our income went straight back into delivering services that assisted vulnerable Australians.

We appreciate every donation we receive and ensure that each dollar goes where it is needed most.

Latest news, media & blog articles

Read about what we’ve been working on, our stance on important social issues and how you make a difference to vulnerable Australians' lives.

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'