John celebrates 30 years since he escaped homelessness. It’s now his life’s mission to lend others a helping hand.

In the early 90s, John was homeless, sleeping in the streets of Sydney. After a series of unfortunate events, he’d hit rock bottom. Once, a relative walked by John in the city and failed to recognise him. John was too embarrassed to say anything. He was thin and frail, barely surviving on food scraps.

They helped me so in return I’m helping others by leaving a gift in my Will to Mission Australia."John, proud supporter.
My life has done a 180 turn-around. Having a safe home is not something I take for granted."John.

I feel most strongly about trying to get the homeless off the streets”, he shares. Knowing all too well how lonely and isolating homelessness feels has inspired John to leave a gift to Mission Australia in his Will.

Thank you for your generosity, John. Your gift will have a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable Australians.

If you’d like to learn more about how to include a gift in your Will, please contact us today on 1800 88 88 68.

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