Working as a nurse for over 40 years, Lois has always been passionate about caring for people and encourages those around her to help others too. 

For a milestone birthday party some time ago, Lois kindly asked her guests to donate to Mission Australia rather than bring gifts she didn’t need.  

“I was blessed to have such a rewarding job, and I still felt a responsibility to help where I could,” says Lois. “I wanted it to glorify God, but I also wanted it to help those who needed it most.” 

Lois has been generously supporting Mission Australia over the years after she observed our services helping a former colleague who had fallen on hard times.  

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“The difference was remarkable. It was absolutely astounding, and I thought to myself, 'this is an organisation I'm going to support.'” 

Although Lois no longer works as a nurse, she wants to continue helping others. 

Lois decided to leave a gift in her Will to make sure vulnerable people can find support and care long after she’s gone.  

I’m not wealthy, but whatever’s left, it all adds up with what other people give and it can make a big difference.

Thank you for your compassion and kindness towards others, Lois! 

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'