Supporting Australians in need during the pandemic
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Surprise activity packs for seniors in Western Sydney
Protecting the elderly from COVID-19 has meant keeping our distance. But distance doesn’t mean we need to stay disconnected.
In Western Sydney, 160 seniors received surprise packages filled with helpful information, activities and a special treat. The ‘isolation packs’ also included messages of support and a reminder that we’re available anytime they need to chat.
Virtual playtime for children in Dubbo
When playgrounds closed, our little clients from the Parent Child Mother Goose program in Dubbo tuned into live sing-a-longs and storytelling sessions.
Through a private Facebook group with caregivers, caseworkers adapted to challenging times by facilitating music and activities online. Plus, the option to replay their favourite videos kept children engaged all week!
Creative packs for little minds in Macleay
With limited access to schools and services, isolation has been challenging for parents and carers looking after young children with disabilities.
Kayla Smith, from Mission Australia’s Coastal Connections Program prepared packs for each child’s unique learning needs. The packs included craft ideas and materials to encourage sensory processing and positive development.
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