Community Opportunities
All regions
South East Metro
Every Thursday 9.30am-11.30am at the Riverton Library, 67 Riley Road Riverton.
First Tuesday of each month 9.30am to 11.30am at Wattle House (40 Orr Street, Maddington).
Monthly at Hillview Intercultural Community Centre (1-3 Hill View Place, Bentley WA)
If you would like some assistance finding community groups or activities, please contact:
Harmonise Cultural Festival
City of Belmont’s Harmonise Cultural Festival free event to celebrate the First Nations people, settled migrants and our new arrivals to acknowledge and celebrate our cultural diversity. There will be free entertainment and activities at the event and tickets must be booked to attend.
North East Metro
Central North Metro
Mosman Park Youth Advisory Council
The Mosman Park Youth Advisory Council (MPYAC) comprises young people aged between 12 and 25 who live, work, or study in Mosman Park or are already an active member of the Mosman Park community. Read how you can get involved here.
Cottesloe Universal Access and Inclusion Community Reference Group
The purpose of this Committee is to improve universal access across the Town of Cottesloe, by working with Council and the Town’s Administration to provide ideas and feedback on infrastructure and programs provided within the Town of Cottesloe. Read how you can get involved here.
City of Nedlands Access Working Group
The Access Working Group was established in 2001 to provide advice to the City on access and disability related issues in order to improve the access and inclusiveness of the local community. Membership includes representatives from the community and two staff members who meet on a quarterly basis. Read how you can get involved here.
Town of Cambridge Ratepayers Associations
The Town of Cambridge is home to three ratepayer/resident associations. Become an active member of your community by joining your local association. Read how you can get involved here.
City of Subiaco Disability Access and Inclusion Committee
This committee exists to help the City with issues relating to disability access and inclusion. Committee members include elected members, City staff, and representatives from the community who work with people with disability, and who have an interest in accessibility and inclusion, and community members living with disability. Read how you can get involved here.
Subi Voice of Youth
The SVY is a group of people aged twelve to twenty-five, who are interested in issues facing young people in the local and broader community. SVY members are given opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in leadership, communication, public speaking, team work and civic affairs. Read how you can get involved here.
City of Perth Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (Nominations Closed until 2021)
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG) consists of residents and regular visitors to the City of Perth who are passionate about universal access. The group acts as an advisory body on City of Perth access initiatives and issues affecting access for people with disability. Read how you can get involved here.
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