Elections and budget

Pre-budget submission NSW 2024-25

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This submission outlines Mission Australia’s priority asks for consideration in the 2024/25 NSW Budget, including housing and homelessness, prevention and early intervention for children, youth and families, addressing cost-of-living pressures, gambling reform and investment in the community sector.

Tasmanian election priorities 2024

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Ahead of the 2024 Tasmanian election, we need leaders who will take urgent action in four priority areas: housing and homelessness; the wellbeing of Tasmanian children, young people and families; youth justice; and mental health and wellbeing.

Federal Pre-budget submission 2024-25

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This submission outlines Mission Australia's priority asks for the 2024-25 Federal Budget, that cover the areas of housing and homelessness, young people facing disadvantage, employment services and investing in communities.

Pre-budget submission NSW 2023-24

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This submission outlines Mission Australia’s priority asks for consideration in the 2023/24 NSW Budget, including housing and homelessness, prevention and early intervention for children and families, place-based approaches, addressing cost-of-living pressures, investment in the community sector, and improved disaster recovery.

Federal Pre-budget Submission 2023-24

Mission Australia NSW Election priorities 2023 thumb

Our submission makes recommendations on income support payments, homelessness and social and affordable housing, place-based approaches to strengthening communities, and investing in the community sector.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'