Homelessness research

IHSAP Evaluation Snapshot 2024

IHSAP thumbnail

This snapshot summarises the findings of an independent evaluation of the Integrated Homelessness Supported Accommodation Program in Darwin, NT.

Homelessness Analytics Project Research Snapshot

Homelessness analytics project research snapshot thumbnail

This research snapshot presents the key findings from a project that aimed to identify the factors that predict positive housing outcomes and early disengagement for people experiencing homelessness who receive support from Mission Australia's services.

Older Women's Pathways Out of Homelessness Research

Older Women's Pathways Out of Homelessness Research thumbnail

This report shares the pathways out of homelessness for older women living in Brisbane, Australia - highlighting their devastating loss, loneliness and frustration, but also what and who helped them. The women drawing on this experience, together with homelessness service providers, describe an ideal service and the practice approaches necessary to care for and support older women who end up homeless.

Evaluation of Cairns Homelessness Services

Mission Australia submission on Housing Affordability in Tasmania thumbnail

This evaluation considers the effectiveness of the Mission Australia Cairns Homelessness services in achieving a range of client outcomes for those who were previously chronically homeless. Clients reported improvements across a number of life domains including satisfaction with their standard of living, their personal relationships, safety and their future security.

Cairns homelessness services infographic

Mission Australia submission on Housing Affordability in Tasmania thumbnail

This evaluation considers the effectiveness of the Mission Australia Cairns Homelessness services in achieving a range of client outcomes for those who were previously chronically homeless. Clients reported improvements across a number of life domains including satisfaction with their standard of living, their personal relationships, safety and their future security.

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