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Mission Australia's submission to the National Ice Taskforce
This submission from Mission Australia to the law enforcement committee on ice included the latest statistics from our services. The submission focuses on the nature, prevalence and culture of methamphetamine use in Australia; strategies to reduce the high demand for methamphetamines in Australia; and other related issues.
Mission Australia welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2017-2021 (the Strategy) and we are supportive of its key directions. Our submission addresses the priority drugs and groups identified in the strategy and each of the priority areas identified.
The submission highlighted the need to increase access and availability of facilities including access to detoxification and rehabilitation services, meeting comorbid needs of people dependent on drugs, workforce related issues as well as specific challenges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in remote, rural and regional areas.
Our submission to the inquiry highlighted the need to incorporate long-term strategies to support individuals to access detoxification and rehabilitation facilities to achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes. We also recommended increasing culturally appropriate services, targeted services for young people, and providing holistic, wrap-around supports to address the complex issues experienced by people who are drug and alcohol dependant.
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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'