Children, youth and families

Better Choices Youth in WA Mission Australia

Better Choices Youth in WA Mission Australia

Mission Australia welcomed the initiative to develop a youth strategy for young people in WA. Our submission highlighted our services in WA and other innovative youth programs in other states and territories. The submission also focused on the need to co-design and engage with the young people, community sector, and other relevant stakeholders to develop a meaningful youth strategy.

Prevention of youth suicide in NSW

Prevention of Youth Suicide in NSW.jpgimage

Youth suicide is an escalating issue in NSW that requires timely and effective responses.  We welcome the opportunity to provide input to the inquiry on the prevention of youth suicide in NSW. This submission focuses on the terms of reference in relation to provision of services in local communities and provision of services for vulnerable and at risk groups. 

Queensland youth detention review submission

Screenshot of Queensland youth detention review submission document

Mission Australia’s submission to the Independent Review of Youth Detention in Queensland calls for a shift to early intervention and prevention and addressing the underlying causes of offending. It also highlights service models that work to help young people get back on track through education, employment and cultural connection.

Cairns young people report 2016

Cover image of Cairns young people report 2016

Mission Australia's State of the Children 2016 report for the Cairns South and Yarrabah area will help the community identify areas for improvement, the planning of services and advocacy for young people in the region.

Mission Australia senate submission on child care bill - January 2016

Screenshot of Mission Australia senate submission on child care bill document

Mission Australia welcomes the additional investment in quality Early Childhood Education and Care to support workforce participation, however we are concerned that some vulnerable families and children may be worse off.

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