Disability and mental health

Submission on the Fifth National Mental Health Plan

Screenshot of Submission on the Fifth National Mental Health Plan document

Mission Australia has responded to the Federal Government’s draft Fifth National Mental Health Plan. The draft Plan includes some important priorities, but we believe that much more needs to be done to improve the fragmented mental health system in Australia so that it can meet the needs of people living with a mental illness.

Mission Australia submission Accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia

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Our submission to the inquiry into accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia is based on a combination of research and insights from our service provision. It makes a broad range of recommendations in relation to access to mental health services, improving suicide prevention, overcoming workforce challenges and other matters. 

Implementation of the NDIS and the provision of disability services in NSW

Implementation of the NDIS and the provision of disability services cover

Mission Australia made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary inquiry into the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the provision of disability services in NSW. The submission highlighted the gaps in the current framework and the need for additional support for people who are currently in receipt of supports but are ineligible for the NDIS.

Provision of services for people with mental illness under the transition to the NDIS in SA

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Our submission to this inquiry highlighted the risks and challenges of people experiencing mental health issues who are likely to be ineligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the need for ongoing, community based support for these people outside the NDIS framework.

Prevention of youth suicide in NSW

Prevention of Youth Suicide in NSW.jpgimage

Youth suicide is an escalating issue in NSW that requires timely and effective responses.  We welcome the opportunity to provide input to the inquiry on the prevention of youth suicide in NSW. This submission focuses on the terms of reference in relation to provision of services in local communities and provision of services for vulnerable and at risk groups.

WA Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015: draft plan update 2019

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Mission Australia made a submission to the WA Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015 – 2025: Draft Plan Update 2018 conducted by the Department of Communities. The submission focused on the challenges for service delivery, future directions to be reflected in service streams and changes in the strategic environment that should be taken into account. The submission made a series of recommendations in relation to engaging local Aboriginal and other communities in service delivery and design, expanding services that are providing effective services and increasing the supports for people with moderate mental illnesses.

The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health

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Mission Australia’s submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into the social and economic benefits of improving mental health discussed a range of mental health policy areas including consequences of mental health issues, suicide prevention, supports for diverse cohorts, importance of peer support or lived experience experts in service delivery and the relationship between mental health and the impact of other intersecting issues such as alcohol and drug dependence, housing and homelessness, and economic disadvantage.

Review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee

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Mission Australia's submission supported the introduction of Participant Service Guarantees and recommended that these are supported by additional financial and human resources to ensure effective implementation. The submission also highlighted gaps in NDIS service provision for people with psychological disabilities and people experiencing housing and homelessness related issues.

Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health Draft Report

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The Productivity Commission released the draft report for public comments in 2019. It was encouraging to see many positive recommendations particularly in relation intersectional challenges people with mental health issues experience including housing, employment, engagement with the justice system and education. Our submission provided additional feedback on these areas to strengthen the recommendations of the Commission.

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability 2020

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The Royal Commission called for submissions on employment of people with disability. Our submission highlighted the Young willing and able: Youth Survey Disability Report 2019 and focused on the need to address systemic and structural issues that impact on people with disability from gaining meaningful employment.

Inquiry into access to TAFE for learners with disability in Victoria 2020

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This submission to the Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee highlighted a range of challenges that people with disability experience when accessing and completing TAFE courses, followed by solutions to address those challenges including early intervention at school level and training to TAFE academic and non-academic staff to provide meaningful, targeted supports students with disability.

National Disability Strategy - Beyond 2020

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Mission Australia made a joint submission with Brotherhood of St Laurence to the Department of Social Services consultation process on the National Disability Strategy. The submission included a range of recommendations to ensure people with disability are at the centre of strategy development.

NSW Inquiry into health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW

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Based on our experience, this submission highlighted the need to improve access to a range of health services including access to alcohol and drug related services, mental health services, gap between aged care and palliative care, building a lived experience workforce, use of technology and importance of funding Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations to deliver services in these communities.

National Children’s Mental Health Strategy

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National Mental Health Commission is developing a Children’s Mental Health Strategy. Mission Australia’s submission highlighted the need to provide holistic and wrap around supports to children and their families, address stigma and shame and increase flexible service delivery options to meet the needs of children and families.

Response to NDIS Interventions for Children on the Autism Spectrum Mission Australia

Response to NDIS Interventions for Children on the Autism Spectrum paper.

Mission Australia’s submission addressed our response to the NDIS’ Interventions for Children on the Autism Spectrum paper. It noted our support for the principles and standards outlined in the paper, but also our belief that these should be universal and applied to interventions for all children, regardless of disability or developmental delay.

Submission on homelessness and disability in NSW to the Disability Royal Commission

Response to NDIS Interventions for Children on the Autism Spectrum paper.

This submission follows Mission Australia's appearance as a witness at the Disability Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Public Hearing 26 on Homelessness. It covers topics and issues raised in the hearing from the perspective of Mission Australia services in NSW.

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