Housing and homelessness

Parity magazine: The Future of National Homelessness Policy

This Mission Australia sponsored edition of Parity magazine includes articles written by Mission Australia CEO Catherine Yeomans and Mission Australia Housing Executive Chris Bratchford. They explain why social and affordable housing is key to addressing homelessness and provide a roadmap to changing the trajectory of homelessness in Australia.

Resource Regional Allocation Model (RAM) for Specialist Homeless Services - August 2013

Screenshot of Resource Regional Allocation Model document

In this paper, Mission Australia comment on the overall intent of the resource allocation, as well as the impacts of adopting the methodology described and to put forward suggestions for ways to improve the methodology to better reflect the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Housing and homelessness hotspots in NSW

Screenshot of Housing and homelessness hotspots in NSW document

Visual snapshots to support Mission Australia’s submission to the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Social, Public and Affordable Housing – calling for urgent action to address the affordable housing crisis.

National Housing Stress hotspots

Screenshot of National Housing Stress hotspots document

Visual snapshots to support Mission Australia’s new analysis (March , 2014) showing pockets of extreme housing stress popping up across the country.

Mission Australia's position statement on families and children

Cover image of Mission Australia's position statement on families and children

Mission Australia supports families to raise strong, healthy, and resilient children, enabling them to get the best possible start in life and equitable opportunities later in life. Our integrated service model aims to draw together services in a client centred approach, reflective of individual family circumstances and needs.

Domestic Violence: Interventions for higher risk offenders

Screenshot of Domestic Violence: Interventions for higher risk offenders document

Mission Australia welcomes the NSW Government's commitment to preventing and responding to domestic and family violence. We support perpetrator programs to break the cycle of violence, alongside much needed services for women, children and other family members affected by domestic and family violence.

Blueprint for the domestic and family violence response in NSW

Screenshot of the Blueprint for domestic and family violence responsive document

Mission Australia is an experienced provider of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) services. We work across the whole DFV spectrum and provide early intervention and prevention, crisis accommodation and specialist services as well as sector advocacy. This is our submission to the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint For Reform.

City of Sydney Social Sustainability Submission

Screenshot of City of Sydney Social Sustainability Submission document

We welcome the City of Sydney’s draft social sustainability policy and look forward to the development of the Action Plan. In particular we support the focus on improved well-being, equity of access to opportunity and reducing the gap between rich and poor so everyone thrives. We believe that Affordable Housing should be a priority for the City of Sydney and have focused our submission on housing and homelessness as well as strengthening communities.

Foundations for Change – Homelessness in NSW

Screenshot of Foundations for Change – Homelessness in NSW document

Mission Australia’s submission to the Foundations for Change – Homelessness in NSW discussion paper calls for a new Commonwealth-State housing and homelessness agreement and more social and affordable housing in NSW. It also calls for health and social service agencies to work more closely with specialist homelessness services to prevent and reduce homelessness.

Northern Territory Community Housing Strategy

northerni territory community housing strategy thumbnail

Mission Australia and Mission Australia Housing welcome the opportunity to provide comment on the Northern Territory Government’s Community Housing Strategy. This submission highlights the role Community Housing Providers can play in delivering quality social housing tenancy management which is responsive to the needs of residents and their communities.

National Commission of Audit (Housing) - November 2013

Screenshot of National Commission of Audit (Housing)

Mission Australia Housing submission to the National Commission of Audit.

Submission to Greater Sydney Commission

GSC submission

Mission Australia supported the Sydney Alliance submission to the Greater Sydney Commission’s Draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and revised District Plans. The submission identified a range of recommendations on greater commitment to Affordable Rental Housing, transparent accountability and fairer access to Affordable Rental Housing. 

Public Housing Renewal Program – Victoria

Public Housing Renewal

The proposed Victorian Public Housing Renewal Program presents a good opportunity to significantly increase the number of well-located public housing units which can be maximised to significantly increase the housing stock. The submission encouraged the government to set clear targets to reduce homelessness, use the housing investment opportunity to build stronger communities, reform planning laws and a range of other practical measures. 

10 Year Strategy on Homelessness: Western Australia 2019-2029

northern territory community housing strategy thumbnail

Mission Australia’s submission focused on the thematic directions and focused on the need to increase social and affordable housing, increasing housing options across homelessness continuum, trauma informed service delivery and catering for the diverse needs of different groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, older women, young people and families and the like.

Mission Australia submission on Housing Affordability in Tasmania

Mission Australia submission on Housing Affordability in Tasmania thumbnail

Mission Australia’s submission to the Tasmanian House of Assembly Select Committee on Housing Affordability focuses on the need for significant progress on reducing homelessness and investment in social and affordable housing to achieve this goal.

Housing and Homelessness Strategy for South Australia 2019

Mission Australia submission on Housing Affordability in Tasmania thumbnail

This submission highlighted the urgent requirement for the South Australian government to increase investment in social and affordable homes through a long-term and sustainable strategy as well as the need for a diverse range of early intervention and prevention services across the state.

Aged Care Program Redesign: Services for the Future

Aged Care Program Redesign: Services for the Future thumbnail

We made a submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care on Aged Care Program Redesign focusing on the needs of older people who have experienced or at risk of homelessness, challenges experienced by diverse groups of people and those living in rural and remote areas.

Retirement Income Review


Mission Australia’s submission encouraged the Federal Treasury to take into account the needs of people experiencing financial disadvantages. The submission made a range of recommendations including the need to increase access to safe, secure and affordable housing and equity across the retirement income system.

Review of the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008


Mission Australia is a supporter of Make Renting Fair QLD campaign and supported the proposed legislative amendments that were closely aligned with the campaign. We also made additional recommendations in relation to strengthening capacity of tenants to exercise and enforce their rights, additional financial and other supports for people experiencing additional challenges in the rental market such as people with disability, people experiencing financial disadvantages and those escaping domestic and family violence.

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