young man looking hopeless

Housing and Support Link Service (HaSLS)


Inala, 4077

The service supports young adults and young parents aged 16 to 25 who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. We work with participants receiving services from the Brisbane Mater Young Adult Health Centre, Mater Hospital or other Mater Services in the community. We meet the young person where they feel safely supported to address their presenting needs.
We help participants in their journey to safe and stable housing outcomes and enable connection to other community support and services to achieve this goal. The HaSLS provides advocacy and support to access to housing and other support services that addresses complex health/lifestyle needs and builds individual capacity towards tenancy sustainment.

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Who we assist

Young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness or are living in inappropriate or unsafe housing
Young people aged 16-25 years.
Current users of Mater Young Adult Health Centre Services and Maters Young Mothers for Young Women Services

Eligibility criteria

Young people aged 16-25 years
Engaged with Brisbane Mater Hospital MYAHC or Mother Young Mothers for Young Women

Referral process

Referrals from Brisbane Mater Hospital or Community Base Services
Referral form or by contacting [email protected]

Housing and Support Link Service (HaSLS) location

Contact us

37 Kulgun Circuit Inala 4077 QLD
Phone number

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'