Mission Australia Housing's footprint is set to grow as we take on the management of around 1,050 social housing properties on the NSW Mid North Coast.

We were among nine successful community housing providers (CHPs) at NSW Parliament House on 17 October as the NSW Minister for Social Housing Pru Goward announced the transfer of tenancy management of 14,000 social housing properties from the NSW Government to various CHPs.

Our CEO Catherine Yeomans, Executive Housing Chris Bratchford, and General Manager New Business Integration Keith Gavin were all present at the announcement and are excited about the opportunity to deepen Mission Australia's connections with the community in Bellingen and Coffs Harbour.

"We currently provide services on the Mid North Coast, including social and affordable housing, outreach programs and mental health supports, and we welcome this chance to further develop our relationship with the community," Catherine said. "Community housing providers like MA Housing can provide supports to tenants based on their individual needs, linking them with local services and supporting them to maintain their tenancies."

As part of the transfer process, Mission Australia Housing will work closely with existing tenants to ensure a smooth transition and support their individual housing needs.

The transfer – which will be complete by 2019 – will mean that the majority of tenants will be eligible for Commonwealth Rental Assistance. This will provide additional funding to Mission Australia Housing to deliver an enhanced level of maintenance as well as engage with and strengthen the local community.

"As a Tier One Community Housing Provider, Mission Australia Housing works with social housing communities across Australia to provide quality tenancy management and create vibrant communities," Chris said.

"There is no change to the current tenancy arrangements and once the transfer is completed, the properties will be managed by Mission Australia Housing."

The Bellingen and Coffs Harbour social housing properties will add to Mission Australia Housing’s existing 1,900 social or affordable homes across Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

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