Securing a sense of home is important at every stage of our lives, but for older people in our communities, losing a sense of home later in life can have devastating implications on their health and life.

For Milorad, known as ‘Miles’, his sense of home was threatened when he was forced to leave due to escalating conflict between his neighbours. Without Charles Chambers Court, a Mission Australia Aged Care facility, Miles would be part of the growing number of people over 55 years who are homeless but thankfully, he’s found a safe place to call home at Charles Chambers Court.

Did you know? 1 in 7 Australians (19,378 people) who are homeless are older than 55 years1. 

"I was in a bad way mentally and physically," says Miles. His previous housing situation had taken a severe toll on him, leaving him vulnerable and in need of a safe haven.

When Miles moved into Charles Chambers Court, it provided more than just a roof over Miles' head. It offered him a safe place to finally call home—a place where he felt protected and cared for.

“I could hardly have wished for a better place,” says Miles.

With his own room, bathroom, and television, the living conditions exceeded his expectations. But it was the compassionate and attentive care from the staff and the camaraderie with fellow residents that truly made a difference.

I think Charles Chambers Court saved my life. - Miles
Milorad Blog

Beyond meeting his physical needs, the team at Charles Chambers Court addressed Miles' emotional and medical needs as well. The provision of his medication and the constant support from the nurses were vital. 

"One of the main things I've been really grateful for is that I just get my medication prescribed and given to me by the nurses morning and night, and my emotional needs have been kind of looked after," he shares.

Thank you to our aged care team who continue to make a world of difference to individuals like Miles, helping them find a safe place to call home. Learn more about our aged care services. 

1ABS (2021) Census of Population and Housing: Estimating Homelessness

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