Thanks to people like you, Terry could relive his passion for riding motorcycles.

Beneath his tattoos and printed t-shirts, Terry’s love for motorbikes shines through. From the moment you meet him, almost every conversation with Terry is littered with stories about his beloved Harley-Davidson.

Terry’s eyes glisten when he thinks about his motorbike adventures over the years but sadly, his riding days came to a sudden halt when Terry was diagnosed with advanced multiple sclerosis. The condition, which affects nerves between the brain and the body, forced Terry and his wife Lyn to adjust to a new way of life. Terry’s mobility was drastically reduced, and his bike was left untouched in the garage for years.

Terry and his wife Lyn with Fleurieu Peninsula riding group

A surprising bike ride

Caring for Terry required Lyn’s full-time attention. When she connected with Bronwyn and Jane from Mission Australia, she was relieved and grateful for the extra support. Bronwyn and Jane, part of our Local Area Coordination teams, help people living with a disability find relevant services.

As a motorcycle enthusiast herself, Bronwyn understood Terry’s love for riding. Noticing Terry’s declining mental health, Bronwyn and Jane set out to help Terry regain his confidence and spark his love for life again using his Harley Davidson bike.

With help from the Fleurieu Peninsula Riding Group, the pair began crafting a surprise ride for Terry in the side caddy of a Harley Davidson.

"In 10 to 15 days, Jane and Bronwyn had it all organised and Terry had no idea at all," says Terry’s wife, Lyn.

On the day of the surprise ride, Lyn told Terry they had a morning medical appointment.

But instead of driving to the hospital, Lyn told Terry there was something special awaiting him.

“As soon as he saw the bikes, he was dead quiet,” says Lyn

The smile on Terry's face was as big as the Grand Canyon. It was nice to be out and away from the house, away from the problems, away from the stress.”

Terry sat excitedly in the side caddy of a Harley Davidson with his helmet awaiting his first bike ride in over five years.

Despite his physical limitations, Terry’s love for riding hadn’t changed. The opportunity to feel the wind on his face again was like a breath of fresh air.

“It was nice to see him relaxed and out of his shell,” says Lyn. “I think it's blown away five years of cobwebs out of his brain and settled him back down."

Terry gives a thumbs up from the side car of the Harley Davidson.

The momentary ride helped Terry regain a sense of excitement.

“Terry looks so much better,” says Lyn. “He was actually sitting up really straight in his wheelchair, which is very rare, and he just has a constant smile on his face."

Thanks to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), our services Local Area Coordination teams can continue to help vulnerable people navigate difficult times in life.


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