Whether it’s learning to share a toy or feeling distressed when another kid gets a bigger ice cream, fairness and equality are concepts children are exposed to at a young age.

For an alarming number of children learning about 'fairness’ and ‘equality’ is a lot more brutal than just through a toy or an ice cream. In Australia, more than one in six children live in poverty – it’s worse for children in sole parent families, who are more than three times as likely to be living in poverty than those that grow up with two parents1.

Now that’s unfair.

In a relatively well developed and wealthy nation like ours, Australia has the 16th highest rate of poverty1. Underneath the glamour of sparkling beaches and trendy cafes, many families don’t have the essentials – food or a roof over their heads.

For single parents or families facing disadvantage, our services help prevent homelessness by connecting people in need with holistic support to thrive.

Did you know, your support helps 21,709 people through 60 children and families services^.

We continue to rely on the generosity of our supporters to extend a helping hand to single mums like Julia*.

Julia's young daughter smiling

Saved from the brink of homelessness: Julia’s story

Feelings of anxiety and depression weighed down on single mum, Julia.

There were challenges at every corner, but skyrocketing living costs were among the worst for the single mum of five. Overdue bills were stacking up and Julia was running out of creative ways to cook with baked beans.

When Julia heard about a nearby Mission Australia service, she reached out for help.

She felt relief and ease when our case workers took the time to listen and offered to help with overdue bills and groceries.

It was the first time in months Julia could say yes when her youngest child asked for a bedtime snack

I am incredibly grateful to have a place close to my children's school. It was worth the wait to get such a beautiful home. Thank you so much.Julia.

While the kids were at school, Julia attended our parenting workshops, counselling sessions and met our qualified financial counsellor.

We helped Julia’s family move into an affordable home big enough to accommodate the entire family.

Equipped with new skills and hope for the future, Julia and her family are so grateful for an affordable and safe place to call home.

Today, a family in Australia will have to choose between rent or groceries.

Your donation gives children and families facing disadvantage a helping hand. Make a difference in their story by donating today.

Donate today

*Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

^ Mission Australia Annual Report 2023

1 Poverty in Australia 2020 (ACOSS, UNSW)

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'