Our newest Mission Australia Centre and adjacent social and affordable housing in Coffs Harbour have been completed. Thanks to our amazing supporters for helping finance the Mission Australia Centre and for your constant support.

 A very special thank you to Mission Australia’s Patron His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley ACDSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, Mission Australia staff and community members for attending the official opening event.

Developed in partnership with local stakeholders including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, clients and local organisations we began building a new Mission Australia centre and adjacent social and affordable housing units to combat the rise of homelessness on the Mid North Coast. Sadly Coffs Harbour experienced a 15% increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness in the 2016 census– a rate higher than the national average.

Chairman Ken Dean, CEO James Toomey, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley ACDSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley attend the opening of Coffs Harbour

Ending homelessness in the Mid North Coast

Designed to meet needs across the Mid North Coast, the Mission Australia Centre will provide individuals and the community with access to a variety of support services under one roof including homelessness services, health and wellbeing and social inclusion services. Next door, the 40-studio residential units will offer a safe, secure home for vulnerable young people and adults, many who have been on long-waitlists for affordable housing. To support their journey to independence, all residents will have access to support services offered at the Mission Australia Centre and will have opportunities to be involved and connected with the local community.

“We are thrilled to open the doors of our new Mission Australia Centre and social and affordable homes in Coffs Harbour,” Mission Australia CEO, James Toomey shared. “Both buildings are part of Mission Australia’s enduring commitment on the Mid North Coast to ensure that people have access to the services and safe and secure homes they need to thrive, and is part of our goal to end homelessness on the Mid North Coast.”  

“Residents who live here will now have a home and be part of a community where they can feel secure, welcomed and can thrive. The residential building has been designed to be a tranquil place to live, with fresh air and sunlight, opportunities for connection and hope. 


Ezra smiling toward the camera.

Ezra is excited for his new home

Ezra*was facing hidden homelessness. Living with health problems and relying on a depleting pension, Ezra was forced to live in a converted garage. Without friends, or family for help he struggled to pay for rent, medical bills and food.

Thankfully our team welcomed Ezra as one of our new Mission Australia tenants at Coffs Harbour.

Now Ezra is able to afford everyday essential items such as medicine and groceries and is very happy with his new home. “Things are 100% better and Mission Australia have been super helpful,” Ezra shared, “I get on well with my neighbours and am enjoying the sense of community here.”

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'