Information for solicitors and executors
For solicitors
All you need to include a gift to Mission Australia in your client’s Will is our ABN 15 000 002 522 and registered name, Mission Australia.
Suggested wording
We do not specify the wording you should use as we are not legal professionals. However, below are a couple of examples for the most common types of gifts we receive.
Residual gift
I give ________% of the residue of my Estate to Mission Australia – (ABN 15 000 002 522) for its general purposes, free of all duties and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.
Pecuniary gift
I give $_________ to Mission Australia – (ABN 15 000 002 522) for its general purposes, free of all duties and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.
Directing your client’s gift
Whilst free to direct their gift toward a particular purpose, we suggest you encourage your client not to limit their description because we may not be able to fulfil their request if it is too specific. To have financial flexibility in the future and ensure gifts have the greatest impact where they’re most needed, our preference is for these gifts to be directed to ‘the general purposes of Mission Australia’.
For executors
How to notify us
To advise a gift was made to Mission Australia, please contact our Estate Administrator, Ashlee Ralla, at
Previous organisation names
Mission Australia has previously been known as the following:
- Brisbane City Mission
- Town and Country Mission
- Sydney City Mission
- Hunter Mission Australia
- Mission Australia Southern NSW
- Adelaide City Mission
- Mission SA (Adelaide)
- Perth City Mission
- Wollongong City Mission
- Wagga Wagga City Mission
- Canberra City Mission
- Jesus People
- Jesus People Welfare Services
- NSW Country Services.
Get in touch today
Contact our friendly gifts in Wills team for advice at
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